Hi Selma,

I saved you the trouble of finding the statistics mentioned by Carmo. He is
way off the mark and is just propagating a commonly held misconception.

If one studies the statistics for the number of Doctoral scientists and
engineers by race/ethnicity you will find of a total of 685,300 an
overwhelming 535,600(78%) are White and only 108,150 are Asian(15%). So the 
will form an even smaller percentage since Asians include Indians,
Pakistanis, Chinese, etc.

Refer to http://www.nsf.gov/statistics/nsf06320/pdf/tab6.pdf for further

The situation is slightly better in Computer Sciences and significantly
better in Computer Engineering, but nowhere is the percenatage of Indians
even close to 80%. It is really disappointing to see an IITian providing
such misinformation but then again we are well used to fake experiments and
random statistics on this forum.

Sunith Velho

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