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Dear Roland,

This is proof-positive that sometimes we end up being
racist without even meaning to be so. Yes, you are
correct every Keralite in the Gulf is called a Malbari
but this has something do with the fact that the first
influx to the Gulf was predominantly from the Malabar
coast. The Malabar coast comprises of Muslim Keralites
and perhaps many found their way to the Gulf region
because Muslim Keralites can actually read and write
Arabic, having learnt it from reading the Koran.

Later on, Keralites were pejoratively called Malboro,
after the Malboro cigarette ad. The Gulf as you know
is a hotbed of racism. Ads requesting for US/UK
educated candidates is a euphemism for "whites only",
and nobody objects to such blatant racial

Goans in the Gulf will do anything to distinguish
themselves from South Indians. Sometimes in life,
merit is not earned by distinguishing oneself but
rather by belittling others. I certainly don't want to
sound holier-than-thou here because I too have been
guilty of this trait many times. Human nature is weak
that way.

Over the course of my years, I've discovered that
societies are shaped only by what is accepted by the
people that belong to them. It is only when we demand
change and raise the bar, that we evolution comes.


--- Roland Francis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Selma,

> I think you got the M word from the barely-literate
> Goans or their
> counterparts the Goan snobs, in the Gulf who tried
> to show they were
> different from other Indians. You had been in the
> Gulf for too long
> and in India for too little, else you would have
> known this.
> Talking of the Gulf, every Keralite was a Malabari,
> or Malbari (or
> Mulberry) to the average Goan who either didn't know
> his geography or
> chose to ignore it. A Malabari being from the coast
> of Malabar which
> is mostly the home of the Moplas or Muslims. All
> Keralites in the Gulf
> - indeed a majority of them were not from the
> Malabar coast. Besides
> as you know, the Keralites though Goans largely
> tended to denigrate
> them, have a richer tradition of Christianity and
> civilization than
> Goans do, not to speak of being more literate.
> Roland.

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