Selma wrote:
It's nice to use sentences that don't mean anything
but sound good nonetheless. We have a phrase for that
in Konkanni, ulloicha zaimum ulloita.

Cecil replies:
Please check
a) Your knowledge of Konkani (vocabulary, grammar and spelling)
b) Your spelling of "Konkani' as "Konkanni"
c) Your knowledge and logic in general


With reference to my statements about divorce,
premarital and extramarital sex in Goa, why does every
statement have to be backed by a survey or statistics.
Is it fair to say that 90% of people in Goa have black
hair? People routinely make statements based on
observation and empirical evidence.

For the record I will repeat your earlier assertion.
"The divorce rate in Goa is spiraling. Extra-marital and pre-marital sex is 
as frequent and prevalent as anywhere in the West."

Now let us analyse your new assertion. "90% of people in Goa have black 
hair". I could conduct a survey within a day and validate or refute your 
assertion. Off the top of my 20%-grey-haired head I would rather be safe 
and say most people in Goa have naturally black hair on their head. This 
too doesn't take into account grey/white haired seniors and all those 
youngsters colouring and streaking their hair. Plus the statistically 
significant light haired foreigners who have taken up residence here.  And 
I certainly would not compare the hair colour patterns here with those in 
the West as that is a big assumption to make without evidence.

Similarly I am presuming you have conducted some sort of survey, however 
amateurish, before arriving at your conclusions about divorce and 
pre-marital sex in Goa.

Since you have used the phrase 'empirical evidence', please state your 
empirical evidence for all of us to see.

However, just for fun I did google divorce,
pre-marital and extra-marital sex in India and Goa.
There were so many links that popped up, I couldn't
decided which one to post so I suggest you google for
yourself. If you find a link that says divorce rate
shows a downward trend or that pre-marital sex and
extra-marital sex is not prevalent in Goa, please feel
free to put it up on Goanet. I'll let you have what
you crave most, the last word.

Unfortunately dear, having the last word is not my objective. Proving that 
you often make dramatic generic statements, without a shred of proof, is. 
Since you made that statement about divorce and extra-marital sex the onus 
is on you to validate your statement. Even if your only salvation is Google 
please place the links to the webpages, that validate you statements, as 
evidence on this forum. You cannot make an absurd statement and then, when 
asked for proof, ask someone else to disprove you first. That is not the 
way logical debate works. Other than Gilbert I don't see anyone subscribing 
to your strange brand of logic.

Making bombastic statements is an easy way of attracting attention. Proving 
those statements true unfortunately is not all that easy.

Please conclusively, or at least credibly, prove that:
1) The divorce rate in Goa is spiralling
2) That pre and extra-marital sex is as prevalent in Goa as anywhere in the 

If you are unable to do so I request you to do the honourable thing and 
revoke your statements instead of trying to shift focus elsewhere. In your 
arguments try and stick to what you know.



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