--- Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Making bombastic statements is an easy way of
> attracting attention. Proving 
> those statements true unfortunately is not all that
> easy.
> Please conclusively, or at least credibly, prove
> that:
> 1) The divorce rate in Goa is spiraling
> 2) That pre and extra-marital sex is as prevalent in
> Goa as anywhere in the 
> West.
> If you are unable to do so I request you to do the
> honourable thing and 
> revoke your statements instead of trying to shift
> focus elsewhere. In your 
> arguments try and stick to what you know.
> Cheers!

Dear Cecil,

I wonder when you've had even a fleeting acquaintance
with being honorable. (Please note correct spelling of
the word).

In anycase, here are some links for you to read and
some points to consider.

Re: divorce rate in Goa is spiraling.

In addition to this the ecclesiastical authorities in
Goa frequently put out literature on the spiraling
rate of divorce. Infact, in Goa a very curious fact
occurs with Catholics. Goans seek an "annulment" from
the Bishop, which enables them to remarry in Church.
So, divorce statistics are suppressed among Catholics
and in actual fact are higher than stated.

Re: Premarital and extramarital sex in Goa as
prevalent as in the West.

For one thing, a few months back the Goa government
was trying to institute a law for mandatory HIV
testing before marriage. The reason for this was
pre-marital sex, usually by the male partner, who then
carried the disease to his unknowing partner. A lot of
this pre-marital sex takes place with prostitutes who
are at risk for HIV and other STDs.

The same is true of extra-marital sex. Men visiting
prostitutes carry the HIV virus to their wives. Unlike
the west, where the HIV virus is more likely to be
transmitted male-to-male, in Africa and Asia, the
transmission is more likely to be male to female.

Here is an interesting link on rediff;

An Excerpt:
The all India occurrence of STDs in the age group of
18 to 30 is as high as 48 to 52 per cent!

~ Premarital sex among 18- to 20-year-olds in metros
is as high as 65.6 per cent amongst girls and 63.3
amongst boys.

 Extramarital affairs amongst married couples in the
age group of 18 to 30 is as high as 10 to12 per cent.
Post-30, this figure increases due to the onset of
boredom in marriages. 
End of excerpt

In addition to statistics and links to articles, the
best evidence I have is empirical based on confidences
shared and observations made.

If you wish to continue splitting hairs you are
welcome to do so but I'm afraid I have neither the
time nor the inclination to indulge in such bait

Thank you,

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