On Sat Nov 4 10:43:59 PST 2006, Mario Goveia wrote:

Mario responds:
> Bosco,
> As a matter of fact, I do.  My evidence comes from being very close to the
> East Indian community as well as the the following URL:
> http://www.eastindians.blogspot.com/

RESPONSE: As one who demands hard facts and logic of fellow Goanetters, you 
present a single article blog (not a website) of a disgruntled, nameless 
East Indian as evidence that the British classified native Catholic 
Mumbaikars as "East Indians". And the fact that you are "close" to the East 
Indian community does not wash. "Close" is an intangible distance. All 
you've done is present rinkydink evidence.

> If these are not good enough for you, I'm afraid you will have to ask one 
> of
> the many East Indians in Toronto or check with East Indian Fr. Benny 
> Aguiar
> who used to be the editor of the Catholic Examiner for several years

RESPONSE: I don't want to. I don't need to know. My issue here is with you 
passing on adulterated facts (at this time). You could very well be right! 
But please present factual evidence about historical issues. Not hearsay and 
assumptions  aka  your own facts!

In your rush to participate in every thread on Goanet you do your best to 
enforce your reasoning on everybody else. Which is fine in some cases; not 
this one! We need cold hard facts.

Unless you come up with some evidence re the above, you will not hear from 
me again on this thread as this is my second and final post. Now, do I 
expect you to follow the same kind of reasoning with anything I opine about? 
You bet! You've just completed 2 years on Goanet and I'm certain besides me 
there are others who recognize and don't appreciate your style of 

Best - Bosco
T-dot, CA 

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