> On Sat Nov 4 10:43:59 PST 2006, Mario Goveia wrote:
> > Bosco,
> > As a matter of fact, I do.  My evidence comes from
> > being very close to the East Indian community as 
> > well as the the following URL:
> >
> > http://www.eastindians.blogspot.com/
--- Bosco D'Mello <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As one who demands hard facts and logic of
> fellow Goanetters, you present a single article 
> blog (not a website) of a disgruntled, nameless 
> East Indian as evidence that the British classified
> native Catholic Mumbaikars as "East Indians". And 
> the fact that you are "close" to the East Indian 
> community does not wash. "Close" is an intangible 
> distance. All you've done is present rinkydink 
> evidence.
Mario responds:
>From a recent post by Fr. Jude, "There are none so
blind as those who WILL NOT see!"
I'm sorry Bosco, it looks like you need more than an
ophthalmologist in this case:-))  This evidence, from
the community itself, is about as strong as the
evidence that you are what you say you are, or Fred
Noronha suddenly discloses that he is.  I don't see
you demanding "hard evidence" from Fred:-)))
Besides, anyone reading your comments who is familiar
with East Indians must be thoroughly amused at your
inexplicable intransigence.
The archives will show that Eugene Correa, Sunith
Velho and Nasci Caldeira have independantly confirmed
my basic information about East Indians, without
drawing your demand for legally binding evidence. 
Selma is confusing them with Anglo-Indians
["pepper-water", oblique references to western
identity, bi-racial, etc.] and you seem to know beans
about them.
This is similar to the Hindu Mass thread when you did
not respond when your friends, Fred Noronha and Roland
Francis, posted similar information that you suddenly
found questionable when I opined on it.  We are still
waiting for your answers in that case, since you
already told us your questions while insinuating you
knew the real story.
> Mario previously wrote:
> > If these are not good enough for you, I'm afraid
> > you will have to ask one of the many East Indians 
> > in Toronto or check with East Indian Fr. Benny 
> > Aguiar who used to be the editor of the Catholic 
> > Examiner for several years
Bosco writes:
> I don't want to. I don't need to know. My issue 
> here is with you passing on adulterated facts (at 
> this time). You could very well be right! 
Mario responds:
a) If you don't want to know then why are you
demanding evidence stronger than the evidence that you
are a Goan?  The information I have provided is far
stronger than similar historical evidence about
various obscure ethnic communities around the world.
b) I cannot be "passing on adulterated facts" and
"very well be right" at the same time.  Anyone
familiar with East Indians would know I am right.  I
have also given you credible references to people who
provided me with this information, like Fr. Benny
Aguiar.  Yet, you want to cast aspersions on the
information without wanting to seek or know the
answers.  What's going on here?
Bosco writes:
> But please present factual evidence about historical
> issues. Not hearsay and assumptions  aka  your own 
> facts!
Mario responds:
I have already provided more information than what is
used in tracing the histories of obscure ethnic
groups.  The problem is you cannot recognize such
Bosco writes:
> In your rush to participate in every thread on
> Goanet you do your best to enforce your reasoning 
> on everybody else. Which is fine in some cases; not 
> this one! We need cold hard facts.
Mario responds:
No, WE don't, but I can finally see what's going on
here.  You just have a burr in your kashtie and have
decided to be argumentative:-)))
East Indians and those who know East Indians know that
my facts are accurate.  Since you said above that you
don't really want to know, no one is going to supply
you with any more facts.  If you need these so that
you can continue to be argumentative, you can go look
for your own cold hard facts.  Talk to some East
Indians in Toronto and tell them what I said.
Bosco writes:
> Unless you come up with some evidence re. the above,
> you will not hear from me again on this thread as 
> this is my second and final post.
Mario responds:
Thank Allah that you will no longer embarrass
yourself!  This is just as well, because you have
already admitted that you don't want to know the real
answer and are simply being argumentative:-)))
Bosco writes:
> Now, do I expect you to follow the same kind of 
> reasoning with anything I opine about?  You bet! 
> You've just completed 2 years on Goanet and
> I'm certain besides me there are others who 
> recognize and don't appreciate your style of 
> intimidation.
Mario responds:
I'm glad SOMEONE is so uninterested in my opinion that
they are even keeping track of my Goanet
Regarding you and others who you claim think like you
about my "style of intimidation", I think you already
know what my suggestion is about what you all can do
about it:-)))
BTW, how far are you from Lake Ontario?  The water
must be nice and cold about now:-))
Besides, since when is it considered "intimidation" to
provide accurate information that is freely and
publicly available to anyone who lives in Bombay, but
may not be easily available to diaspora Goans and
other foreign born Goans about a fascinating Indian
ethnic community that is so similar to Goan and
Mangalorean Catholics?
I rest my case.

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