Hi Roland,

Contrary to your opinion, I think women are extremely logical and 
calculating(more so than most men!)
in most matters, except when these involve their spouses/boyfriends or
clothes.You daughter's present/future suitors will soon learn that!

Also from your post it seems like you are not the only one in your family
who is "telling it as he sees it", your daughter has inherited his trait


Roland writes:

She, Victoria, is equally intelligent, a little too too logical
for a woman but defintely politically correct and blah blah, blah,
just like the majority of the fairer species.

When I rant at home about the driving habits of the Chinese or the
lack of family values of the West Indians or the pronunciations of the
Filipinos, she is immediately on my case, saying "dad, you are a
racist, dad you are too old, or dad you're out of it.". He on the
other hand, will immediately butt in saying "dad is just telling it as
he sees it.".

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