 2006 * * * Y  E  A  R * * * O  F * * * T  H  E * * * S  E  N  I  O  R
Goa Sudharop Annual Awards on November 20, 2006 @ Mandovi Hotel @ 4:30pm
            Chief Guest: Dr. Asha Vishwanath Sawardekar

    A series of essays as a tribute to Goan Seniors can be found at:

Many years back, even before we got good roads in most parts of Goa, a 
foreigner told me we had the best transport system in the world. He could go 
from anywhere to the remotest corner of Goa economically. However he added 
that is, if the passenger overlooked overcrowding, dilapidated vehicles, 
bumpy rides with some breakdowns and no concept of time! Goa is also one of 
the few places in India, where public transport is run by private operators 
who are a law unto themselves. No government has been able to get them into 
uniform, to issue tickets, stop at scheduled stops, avoid overcrowding and 
enforce passenger comfort and safety norms. The transport lobby is strong 
and we have the ridiculous scheme of public vehicles permitted to ply 
without Meters, Taxis demanding travel Agents and Resorts/Hotels 
compulsorily use their vehicles. People are permitted, with government 
blessings, to be exploited by this section of society! Our media , specially 
Press,  generally only highlights Politicians speak and even at seminars, 
the objections and views of the other speakers on the panel, leave alone the 
public find no mention!

I think we need a "Danda" to make ourselves disciplined on the roads. With 
new vehicles increasing by leaps and bounds, driving schools and RTO dishing 
out licenses to incompetent drivers, traffic police hopelessly out of date/ 
claiming shortage of staff , scarce traffic control infrastructure, getting 
onto the Goa roads is a nightmare for drivers and pedestrians, especially at 
night! Two wheelers zoom in-between bumper to bumper traffic, overtaking 
from the left, rules of the road followed in breach, and everyone is in a 
mighty hurry. To add to this, VIP and government vehicles break rules with 
impunity, politicians and vested interests call the shots. All attempts to 
regulate flow of traffic in major towns have come to naught. / been made 

Take Panaji traffic scheme. In this age of computers, power point 
presentation  possible and inspite of all/ detailed information  and 
stastics regarding number of vehicles entering/leaving Panaji   collected, 
the schemes were changed umpteen times confusing everybody. To the disgust 
of the SP Traffic, and public, the scheme is changed once again, just to 
satisfy politicians with shopkeepers /vested interests. On Monday 13 Nov (a 
few days back) at 1300 hours, it took me around 40 minutes to cover the 
small distance up the slope of quarter kilometer from the Panaji Church 
square, to down same slope, to Honda show room.  No traffic or any police in 
sight, bumper to bumper, school buses, tempos, two wheelers ,and   whilst 
cars are  parked illegally on this narrow road. The amount of pollution, 
waste of fuel, road rage generated, damage to vehicles, it appears is no 
concern to any of the authorities. And now for IFFY,  our RULERS  will close 
major roads/ deny access  and make the local peoples lives absolutely 
miserable in the name of security and pleasure . At what cost?!

Instead of Bye passes, traffic lights, underground or overhead bridges at 
death trap junctions, we have speedbreakers/rumblers of no specification so 
damage to spine and shock absorbers are imminent. The  audio speakers in my 
car dickey jumped up and broke while carefully negotiating these road blocks 
on the highway. Then comes parking problems. It is difficult to find a slot 
even for two wheelers. The Police and municipal authorities gleefully lift 
vehicles and collect fines. There is no proper planning by competent 
professionals without interference from politicians with no vision. The TCP 
it appears is merely there for land grab and making Goa a builder's 
paradise. No provision is made for accompanying water, electricity, 
sanitation, drainage, garbage disposal capacity, parking and other 
infrastructure like access roads with pedestrian walks, jogger's parks and 
so on, BEFORE the building comes up! Forget any sensible future 
considerations being built in/ catered for.

The resulting intolerable mess can be seen in Delhi, where industries had to 
be shut down, vehicle pollution minimized by CNG use, and now demolition / 
sealing of illegal structures/ shops in residential areas etc. All this had 
to be done by the courts, resisting compromises proposed by the government 
due populist measures and corruption! It is shameful that the government is 
incapable of planning and implementing the laws, whilst people have to rely 
on the courts for something that is the job of the Executive and law 
enforcement agencies that themselves try to circumvent the law. We have to 
be able to go back to basics, to have any hopes of getting out of this 
traffic nightmare. Planning with vision,  keeping the requirements of the 
common man (specially handicapped people, senior citizens and children) in 
view, education in schools, colleges and for all public transport personnel. 
Strict enforcement of traffic rules with no interference from  self serving 
politicians. Regulation of driving schools and issue/ confiscation  of 
driving liscences.Short term and long term planning by competent 
professionals. And last but not least, a government that knows how to 

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