 2006 * * * Y  E  A  R * * * O  F * * * T  H  E * * * S  E  N  I  O  R
Goa Sudharop Annual Awards on November 20, 2006 @ Mandovi Hotel @ 4:30pm
            Chief Guest: Dr. Asha Vishwanath Sawardekar

    A series of essays as a tribute to Goan Seniors can be found at:

--- Miguel Braganza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> While Mario may be right in saying that those who
> practice philanthrophy are generally those who 
> routinely maximise profits, he is absolutely wrong 
> is criticising what Fr.Peter-Hans Kolvenbach has 
> said.  In his address to the alumni, when he 
> said "where maximising profit often seems to be the 
> SOLE goal". there was no indication that he was 
> against "maximising profits". He was, and rightly 
> so, against it being a 'sole aim' at the cost of 
> ethics and integrity.
Mario observes:
Miguel has misrepresented what Fr. Kolvenbach said by
taking one snippet out of context.  Here is what Fr.
Kolvenbach actually said, "In a world where might is
right, and the weak are suppressed, where maximising
profit often seems to be the sole goal, we need the
values of integrity, honesty, a commitment to peace
and justice."
Before Fr. Kolvenbach can include "maximizing profit"
at the cost of ethics and integrity so cavalierly in a
sentence that starts with "...a world where might is 
right and the weak are suppressed...", he should
research the very public experiences of the high and
mighty like Martha Stewart, Ken Lay, Jeffrey Skillings
and a host of others who found out to their dismay
that the cost of ignoring ethics and integrity landed
them in jail.
This is a classic canard for those who have a contempt
for capitalism, while benefiting from it's fruits.
Besides what does Fr. Kolvenbach mean when he asks his
alumni "...to stand up against injustice, dedicate
their lives "for others", and be "agents of social
transformation".  Sounds wonderful.  But where were
all these worthy individuals when REAL injustice
needed to be confronted in the series of brutal
conflicts that I listed that were aimed mostly at
innocent civilians?  Does preaching to the choir solve
Miguel writes:
> Unlike in Mario's blinkered vision, the world is not
> divided into communist [or islamic] dictators and 
> the American freedom of expression. May I humbly 
> suggest that he reads the novels "Love Story" and
> "Oliver's Story"...for the first time , if need be!
Mario responds:
Isn't it supremely absurd in 2006 for anyone to say
that the world is NOT divided into totalitarian
communist and Islamic dictatorships and free
democracies, as if there is no difference between the
Can you cite me ONE example of a democracy that has
pre-emptively attacked another democracy?
Do you have ANY IDEA of what it is like to live in a
communist and/or Islamic dictatorship where you can be
jailed and tortured for speaking your mind?  I don't,
but I know dozens of people who have and risked their
lives to escape and tell about it.
What have some sentimental novels have to do with the
real world which we can observe at first hand?

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