> --- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I don't think it is criticism of a place per se
> that
> > the local residents and their unconditional
> > supporters
> > take umbrage at, regardless of
> > whether the remarks come from a resident or
> > non-resident, but the tone and attitude of the
> > critic
> > as reflected in the critique.  
--- Carvalho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is where you begin to lose credibility. First
> you say that you saw none of the garbage, traffic or
> architectural ugliness that has come to define Goa,
> but when confronted with the same scenario from
> another poster, you resort to the lame excuse of not
> liking the "tones" of certain posters.
Mario responds:
When someone takes an adversarial and deliberately
contentious position from mine, especially someone
with pretentious and negative comments about Goa 
their lack of credibility in my opinions validates my
There is a chasm between your attitude and that of
your friend and co-conspirator, Roland, that I took
issue with, and that of Sonia, whose comments were
fair and balanced and rueful, and did not compare Goa
by western standards, whereas yours could only be
described as snide.
In both cases I questioned who in a free society gets
to decide the beauty or lack thereof of a building or
project they own.  When you and Roland build your own
we will see what it looks like.
My opinions on the traffic are well documented.  It is
no different from any other part of India.  And anyone
who casts such a jaundiced eye on the garbage
situation cannot be very familiar with India either.
Selma writes:
> Regardless of our difference in ideology, I had
> always had respect for your emails. Unfortunately 
> now I realise that you don't have any loyalty to 
> truth or conviction but rather to petty politicking 
> on the board.
Mario responds:
Once again, respect is not something I seek from those
who seek to tear Goa down while living confortably
abroad.  Perhaps you have failed to notice that there
were several Goanetters far more familiar with the
Goan scene, who took far more strident issue with your
snide comments.

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