--- Cornel DaCosta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Selma
> For a little while, there seemed to be an eerie
> silence from Mario on Goanet, but I agree with you 
> entirely on your rebuttal of his contention 
> that, religion and culture are separate entities.
> But then, with much respect, is Mario's view 
> surprising at all? It must stem from his consistent 
> and repeated view that, he relies on commonsense
> rather than extensive and appropriate reading to 
> inform his thinking!
> Indeed, from his posts, (and again with respect) it
> is suggestive that, he has been inclined to think 
> that, his (non-reading) stance is emblematic of a 
> virtue rather than an absolute embarrassment.
> Minimally, his differentiation  between religion 
> and culture and the way he has made his claim for 
> this view is surely a kind of profound 'illiteracy'
> to portray on the much esteemed Goanet!
Mario observes:
I see you have once again avoided addressing my
opinions directly and are using Selma and some puerile
psychobabble to TRY and make some points without
citing a single word of what I had written previously
in this thread.
Also, let me observe the obvious - facile and
unsubstantiated claims of illiteracy on my part are
hardly a testimony to literacy on your part. 
Secondly, in my never humble opinion, slavishly
absorbing and regurgitating the written opinions of
others is no substitute for one's own common sense and
a logical opinion of one's own.
BTW, since you seem to agree with Selma that religion
and culture are indistinguishable perhaps you can
address her again to tell the rest of us why Goan
Christians have continued to practice the Hindu caste
system for so long, why Muslims can have different
rules for the modesty of their men and women, and why
Osama Bin Laden can proactively attack and kill in the
name of a religion that forbids such actions unless
for defensive purposes. 
Cornel writes:
> He also consistently commits something called the
> naturalistic fallacy in philosophy, by which, "is" 
> (or was) is erroneously equated with "ought." By 
> way of an earlier example on Goanet, Hitler was,
> from all the empirical/historical evidence, a 
> practising Catholic. However, it is perfectly 
> possible to argue that, he ought not to have been 
> considered as one and I have no difficulty with 
> such a view when made. However, one can't 
> logically nullify the empirical "is/was" by
> substituting this for an imperative "ought" in the 
> way a seriously uninformed Mario does.
> Where have such people been?
Mario responds:
As mentioned above, you have ignored everything I have
said in this thread and have now jumped to some other
thread and returned to your previously discredited and
patently absurd assertions that Hitler was a
practicing Catholic, claiming empirical/historical
However, anyone familiar with German and Nazi history
would know that you have used the 
empirical/historical evidence very selectively.  A
fair and balanced use of empirical/historical evidence
would indicate that Hitler actually practiced the
exact opposite of the core teachings of the Catholic
religion in several major areas.
It is pretty obvious that your agenda has been to
denigrate and devalue Catholicism by claiming that
monstrous tyrants like Hitler were practicing
Catholics.  With this agenda in mind, you have
blythely ignored all that Hitler actually DID in
practice - the genocide, adultery, murder, etc. that
are anathema to any practicing Catholic - and have
focused solely on what Hitler - and other
anti-Catholics - have self-servingly and
ostentatiously SAID about his pretenses and trappings
of religion, like going to Church, etc.

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