> --- Vidyadhar Gadgil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Question everything -- Karl Marx
--- George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Vidyadhar,
> It so happens I was driving by Trier, Germany, today
> on the way through Mosel wine country
> (Germany) when I stopped by Trier which is the
> oldest town in Germany. Although I have studied
> Marx, I had not paid any attention to his
> birthplace. I thought of you and Cornel during my
> visit to his birth house (now a museum) in Trier. 
> If you privately email your address, I will send 
> you a small souvenir in the mail. I think Cornel 
> must have visited his grave in North London.  
> History has an odd way of showing up in the most 
> curious places.
Mario observes:
Reading the exchange between these obvious admirers of
Karl Marx reminded me of the following gem from Ronald
Reagan, who, along with Pope JP-II caused Gorbachev to
give up the communist manifesto and Marx's delusions
with it:
"A communist is someone who reads Marx.  An
anti-communist is someone who understands Marx." 
- Ronald Reagan

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