
The retreats are not free. There are registration fees
for all regular and special retreats. Miracles are the
main selling points to generate a large volume of
customers. Testimonies of people who claim to have
undergone various types of miraculous cures are being
used as advertisement gimmicks. They are being
shamelessly touted on the retreat centre website and
in other publications. Even hearsay anecdotes told
from an incredibly long distance by people like you
who claim not to have any intention of attending their
retreats, garners them more business, primarily
because of the enticing power of miracles. 

Hope is clearly being sold here. I submit to you that
even the mildest scientific scrutiny of these miracles
would prove that it is false hope. What we are
witnessing is not spirituality, but a spiritual
business based on deception and false advertisement.
This is also true of miracle-mongering Hindu godmen
like Satya Sai Baba.



--- Gabriel de Figueiredo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Santosh, AFAIK no miracles have been "sold" at Potta
> -
> Potta, as I understand, is a retreat centre, and
> attendance is FOC - please correct me if I am wrong.
> Miracles, if they occur, are a by-product of
> "spiritual" upliftment.
> I have been told first hand of an occurrence whereby
> the husband attended the retreat and the wife (who
> was
> in Goa) underwent a cure, as observed by the
> husband's
> employee and hospital records. The husband is a
> highly-placed officer in Goa's law enforcement. 
> No, I have not attended Potta nor do I have any
> intentions in doing so.
> Gabriel.

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