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    This month's Goanet operations sponsored by Mrs. Daisy Faleiro


Amongst the expatriate Goans and especially from the Gulf Goans, Kuwait Goans contribution for the cause of Goa is really great. The early Goans who landed in Kuwait soon after the Second World War were very much conscious of their homeland, their homes and their home language that is Konkani. The first Goan association that was formed in Kuwait was known as Goan Association Ahmadi – Kuwait, it was formed at Ahmadi Oil Center where most of the early Goans concentrated because of their jobs in KOC and other Oil companies. Though these Ahmadi resident Goans working at Oil Centre came under the banner of Goan Association Ahmadi -Kuwait yet it failed to unite all Goans together because discrimination on the basis of nature of jobs was a hindrance. Entry into this Association especially at certain locations and for certain Goan functions for manual workers, for domestic workers and for other artisans was prohibited. This novel idea was decided by certain “ded Xanne Bamonn Goykar” on the pattern of British policy of devide and rule and also on the basis of discrimination. During those days KOC was the monopoly of British and to maintain their supremacy they did not allow non British, non Westerners, non white collar job holders to mingle with them. Hence, our “ded-Xanne Goykar” also imitated their masters and introduced Goan type of apartheid in Goan Association Ahmadi – Kuwait. Many of the Goans residing in Kuwait City and surrounding areas had no role in GAA-K and because of this they felt something had to be done. Hence under the co-leadership of one Mr. Armando Carvalho and Mr. Vincente D’Souza from Camurlim formed another Goan Association in Kuwait city known as Kuwait Goan Association somewhere in mid sixties, in the initial stages it was called just “Kuwait Goans” but later on it was called Kuwait Goan Association. Till 30 years back this was the only Goan Association in Kuwait existing while Goan Association Ahmadi – Kuwait automatically came to an end without anybody’s notice after the formation of KGA, since most of the Goans working at Oil Centre were either retired by their managements or left from that place.

Mr. Vincente D’Souza was a very dynamic man working for Kuwait Customs for a long time. He was also a free lance journalist in Kuwait and the only accredited one amongst the Goan community. Besides writing for the local media he was also the Kuwait correspondent of “Goa Today” a monthly from Panjim for a long time till I took over. He had great love for Goa and Goan causes. Many times he proved to a revolutionary and visionary person too. He enjoyed high respect in Goan and Indian societies. He could easily interact with Indian diplomats with ease. He was very much responsible for making Goan community known in Kuwait to other communities. He was the first person responsible to introduce Goan community to other communities in Kuwait. He highlighted many of the Goan issues to Goan and Indian Governments and made the voice of Goans very audible in Kuwait. At certain time he was so powerful that if he said Yes, it should be yes for all his members in Kuwait Goan Association including to those who later on turned against him. It was like if “comrade Napolean said yes, it must be yes”. He had very good vocabulary in English, very good art of oratory too. During his stay here in Kuwait till the invasion of Kuwait he played a wonderful role in the enhancement of community affairs. Some of his initiatives were really wonderful and worth mentioning here. Raising funds for Goa Cancer Hospital at Dona Paula was his inititiative, giving access to Dr. Vaidya in Kuwait for this cause was his responsibility. About 20 lakhs were donated by Goans from Kuwait for this Hospital according to the information. It was in mid seventies. And forming of another Goan Association “Goan Arts Circle” for organising Goan cultural activities was also his initiative. Direct Flight from Kuwait to Goa was his initiative and he worked hard for its success, besides him others also worked, I too have played a good role in this drive but initiative was of Vincente D’Souza. Today we are having facilities of direct flight much because of his initiative. To get this flight was a big effort made by Goans in Kuwait. Then came his another powerful initiative that is of starting a new English School in Kuwait known as “New Indian School at Jabriya – Kuwait” where thru his pushing a Goan principal Stanislaus Alemao was recruited as Head of this School. Because of starting of this school lot of our boys and girls got opportunities to study in Kuwait otherwise due to shortage of schools in Kuwait parents had to send their children out of Kuwait which means painful separation of children from their loving and caring parents. Yet another powerful initiative of this man was the establishment of “Gulf Goans Hotels Company” in Goa where this company has already built a big hotel “Goan Heritage” at Calangute Ghauravaddo and where many of our Goans are earning their livelihood. One more initiative of this dynamic expatriate Goan from Kuwait was the formation of “Goan Welfare Society” which is still existing in Kuwait but since last two years not very active and not performing its annual Goa Day Function because two of its members has duped this Society of its funds to the tune of over 30 thousand Kuwaiti Dinars amounting to over half a crore of Indian Rupees. Because of this daylight robbery, the major activities of Goan Welfare Society are come to an abrupt halt. The very person who as a member of KGA was accusing Vicente Desouza of some irregularities once has himself become the architect of denying the huge funds of GWA. It is a public fund collected jointly by all for the cause of community. Robbing community money is a curse which will affect not only the actual robbers but also their generations and generations. I have seen recently how some Goans are suffering after robbing the funds of Goan Clubs (Kood) in Bombay. Their children are gone astray, their wives gone with somebody and they themselves turned out to be “bebde” and “pixe”, mentally ill. In Kuwait the entire community is hurt by this robbery of over KD 30 thousand by these two Goykar “chors” who shamelessly show their faces in the Church and elsewhere as if they are saintly Goans. And those few Goykars who oppose me from highlighting this topic are equally guilty because by trying to suppress me they are trying to support the thieves.

This year under the skippership of NRI Commissioner Eduardo Faleiro some expatriate Goans were presented with special awards during the global Goan function in Goa. The contribution of these Goans towards the cause of Goa was known only to Eduardo Faleiro. None amongst them come closer to Vincente D’Souza’s contribution to the cause of Goa. Even when we financed the stay of Eduardo Faleiro in Kuwait in late seventies it was Vincente D’Souza who initiated this and as such Faleiro knows the dynamism and contribution of Vincente D’Souza to the cause of Goa. Instead of doling out prizes to those Goans whose contributions to the cause of Goa is nothing compared to what Vincente D’Souza did, would it not be right to honour Vincente D’Souza appropriately even though he is no more an NRI now? Were all those who honoured in Goa during the Global Goan function, recently, NRI – Indians or they were holders of the citizenship of the countries of their domicile? Is it right to honour Goans holding non-Indian passports? Those who are wasting tax payer’s money on those who pay no taxes should be brought to their senses. Where is Margareth Alva gone now? Can’t anybody inform Congress High Command of the waste of lakhs by Rane and Faleiro on those who are least bothered on Goa? I think somebody must come forward to put a brake on “dadagiri” of Edward Faleiro. Men like Florian of Suuraj Party, Adv. Aires Rodrigues and others should demand explanation on the waste of public money by Rane Government on those Goans whose nationalities are not Indian and whose contribution in the causes of Goa and Goans is nothing. We like honouring Goans who love Goa, its culture, tradition and language and not to those who don’t do anything for the cause of Goa and Goans.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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