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I am enclosing an item that appeared in the media, though it is not exactly 
a Goa issue.

Sachin Phadte.

Title: Appropriating Mahatma Gandhi for personal glory
Author: Virendra Kapoor
Publication: Gomantak Times
Dated: February 5, 2007

The way the conference was organised left no one in doubt that its real 
objective was the greater glorification of Sonia Gandhi

It was a party conference funded by the tax-payers. The recent two-day meet 
in New Delhi on the rather lofty theme of 'Peace, Non-Violence and 
Empowerment: Gandhian Philosophy in the 21st Century' cost the Government 
tens of crores of rupees. Delegates from far and near were flown in and 
housed in five-star comfort, far removed from the much-vaunted Gandhian 

Foreign dignitaries from some 80-odd countries and a couple of Nobel 
laureates came down for the conference timed to mark the centenary of the 
Mahatma's Satyagraha in South Africa.

The Chinese, Russians and even the Cuban Communists, who could possibly have 
no use for the Gandhian philosophy, came in strength, responding to the 
invitation from the Ministry of External Affairs.

In fact, the Minister of State for External Affairs, Anand Sharma, 
personally coordinated the visit of foreign dignitaries. And it was the MEA 
which picked up the tab for the five-star board and lodge of the delegates 
to the conference. The protocol ensured that the Congress President Sonia 
Gandhi was accorded top billing.

Though the theme was the Mahatma and his philosophy, the focus was on Sonia 
Gandhi. The way the conference was organised left no one in doubt that its 
real objective was the greater glorification of Sonia Gandhi. She being the 
star speaker, she inaugurated the conference on the first day while the 
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh got a look-in on the last day with a brief 

The Indian Communists, for whom the Mahatma back in the 1940s was an agent 
of the British imperialists, too were accorded the pride of place at the 
conference. But the opposition BJP was not invited, with the conference 
spokesman, Devendra Dwivedi, conceding under persistent questioning by 
newspersons that it was a Congress conference and the BJP could have no 
right to be invited to it.

Misuse of AIR and DD

Talking about the Gandhi conference, the State-controlled AIR and 
Doordarshan having become an unabashed propaganda tool of the ruling 
Congress Party under I and B Minister Priyaranjan Dasmunshi, the two 
accorded top priority in news bulletins to the conference. Sonia Gandhi's 
opening speech on the first day continued to be blared out aloud on all 
channels of AIR and DD even on the second day when the Prime Minister and 
other dignitaries had read out aloud their set-piece addresses.

But the worst cut was when AIR news bulletins in a complete distortion of 
facts broadcast that "nobody from the BJP attended the conference." Which 
would suggest that the main opposition party had boycotted the conference. 
But the truth was otherwise. No BJP leader was invited even though the 
conference was duly funded by tax-payers' rupees.

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