There is no reason why only politicians should be raided when there are others 
who help them to do what they do. 

If top bureaucrats did not abet politicians, the looting might have been a lot 
more inhibited. Remember every rupee taken in by the govt is from the people 
and the nation's resources and a crime against the nation itself. 

There are several apologists from among the b'cats: the politicians make us do 
it on threat of transfer, we cannot survive on a govt salary, we cannot beat 
the rotten system etc etc. All hogwash. A person is rotten because he is 
rotten. No one cam make him do it. Ask all the honest ones there are, though 
only a few remain.

I suppose the b'crats are like the New York Madam from the Mayflower 
descendancy. They couldn't arrest her since she had all the city's private and 
public elite on her customer list. But in the end she was jailed by an honest 
cop who had no idea of the house of cards he sent to the ground. 

Something that we can hope will happen to the VIP pedophiles in Portugal 
courtesy the RCMP.


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