Canada would surely be competing with India in this particular event of the 
Bribery Olympics. Lets call it the Refund Race. You'll soon see why.

An important mafioso had his tax filing audited, resulting in his having to pay 
a large undisclosed amount in back taxes. Instead of being penalised for the 
delay in payment someone in the media discovered that he received a tax refund 
of $400,000 in the mail (everybody due to receive a refund gets a govt cheque 
in the mail).

When this was revealed, there were a lot of red faces in the Quebec offices of 
the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency). Department personnel had to go to the 
mafioso's house to beg for the money's return. 

How this happened is not yet explained and whose heads rolled is being kept 
under wraps. When the govt is asked to reveal details of cases like thi, the 
reply usually is "we do not comment on personnel matters to protect the privacy 
of the individuals concerned".

Another feather in Quebec's cap already sporting enough such feathers to make 
even a first nation's chief blush.


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