The Editor,


Contrary to the impression sought to be propagated by Robert Castellino, the 
Mopa issue is not one concerning South Goa only, but the entire state and its 
tourism industry. Mopa will serve as the international airport for  Sindhudurg 
for some time to come since Chipi is only a domestic airport. Besides, Goa’s 
most well known and most successful tourism spots which have been located in 
North Goa have been well served by Dabolim Airport in the past. In the 
circumstances therefore, it would be well for North Goans to also oppose the 
unnecessary private airport of Mopa tooth and nail.

Also, while it is true that GFDO does have a core committee member who is a 
Catholic priest,  it is also made up of other members hailing from all 
different parts of Goa, including the North and from different communities of 
the state. I know that the GFDO convenor has been urging the Goan electorate to 
keep Mopa in mind whilst casting its vote, but am unaware of the Church per se 
“appealing to people to vote only for candidates who are against Mopa” as Mr. 
Castellino claims. It is curious why Mr. Castellino insults his  North Goan 
compatriots by finding it “desirable that clergymen from the south should sniff 
out land scams in Mopa and assist farmers to get their true value”. Why does he 
think that his  fellow North Goans are incapable of standing up for themselves 
and their community?

With regard to the Konkan Railway, perhaps Mr. Castellino is not aware that 
cumulative losses of the KRC are nine time the original equity and the KRC has 
been kept afloat by a subsidy of around Rs.350 crores annually for thirteen 
years. It has also not been able to live up to the number of trains and their 
average speeds that had been originally projected thanks to its 
incomprehensible alignment. That it has brought in certain benefits in terms of 
passenger traffic is not in dispute. But all this could have been achieved 
without the attendant environmental damage and loss to the public exchequer if 
only the sane voices proposing changes in the alignment had been heeded.

In the ultimate analysis we are all Goans and need to remain united if we are 
to effectively stem the mayhem we see all around us and the ruthless plunder of 
our state and its resources that is being passed off as “development”. Creating 
division amongst ourselves, either on the basis of North and South or 
communities, castes and religions can be nothing but destructive and counter 

Diana Pinto

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