Sex, lies and Goa's massage parlours

By Mayabhushan Nagvenkar

*Mapusa:* What V. More (name changed), a tourist from Mumbai, was
fantasizing about was soft, feminine hands kneading his shoulderblades and
his back, slick with aromatic oil.

Instead, what the 27-year-old tourist, one of many thousand single visitors
blinded by Goa's cheap booze, drugs and sunbathing white women, got were a
few tight slaps and punches to the ear and stomach from a roughneck fraud
massage parlour operator in Mapusa, a town located 15 km north of Panaji.

"We were hanging out on the beach when a young boy came to us and offered
us a full massage for Rs.2,000. We bargained for Rs.1,500 per head. We were
seven of us," More told IANS.

More and his friends perhaps thought they had lucked out on their Goa trip.

A promise of a "full massage" in Goa's coastal belt more often than not
translates into a covert sexual proposition or at least a "happy ending"
for the many groups of single male domestic tourists who form a large
component in Goa's tourism arrival figure. The state attracted three
million tourists last year alone.

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