I agree entirely with Aires Rodrigues who argues that Goa could be governed
very adequately with a compact cabinet. As an example of a small - though
very wealthy - democratic state that is well ruled by a very small capable
cabinet, assisted by an efficient civil service, one may examine the
Principality of Monaco. If I am not mistaken, the cabinet there is composed
of just three ministers!

I also believe that Goa has a fairly bloated bureaucracy at its centre
whose departments could perhaps be reduced in size just as many countries
have done, thereby saving their residents and taxpayers considerable sums
of money and human resources which could then, hopefully, be redirected
towards frontline public and social services such as those much needed in
Goa, for example, a comprehensive refuse collection and recycling service
and health care services.

One would hope that Goa's Chief Minister also takes on board seriously and
actively, Shri Modi's promise to attack corruption, in a meaningful way, as
opposed to merely paying lip service to the problem that so adversely
affects the poor and vulnerable most.

But then again, perhaps, this is asking too much of BJP Goa and we'll all
just have to put up with much the same in the absence of good governance or
a decent opposition/alternative government in Goa.

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