In the mark  certificate of SSCE students the  GBSHSE now indicates sports
marks in the total with a plus sign .There appears to be some  confusion,
conflict, when two students get same total of marks, one with a plus sign
attached and which signifies addition of sports marks
Some educational heads of institutes are divided on their opinion that the
percentage is considered for the purpose of admission and specially for
professional courses and interest of the institute in sports It may not be
so when academic awards are considered on the basis of the total marks
A reference was preferred by P.C.Trust on this specific issue to the
Chairman of Goa Board. The response was that the  Board  has dispensed with
the  merit policy  and further that academic and co-scholastic performance
is recorded and endorsed by Head of Institution. The organisation can set
its own criteria
A public response  is awaited as to the correct interpretation, whether
sports marks can  be ignored, overlooked for bestowing  academic awards ,
when the two final total scores are  identical   but one with plus marks of
Nelson Lopes, Chinchinim

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