By Eduardo Faleiro

Sometime ago, I visited several villages and towns in the
neighbouring districts of Maharashtra and Karnataka to meet
people of Goan origin settled there. During the 16th and 17th
centuries thousands of Goans, both Hindus and Christians,
left Goa to escape religious and cultural persecution.

In Goa, during that period, all possible obstacles were
imposed on the practice of the local religions.  Moreover,
converts to Christianity could not easily change their deep
rooted Indian way of life.  The missionaries and the colonial
administration would not tolerate this.  For them
Christianity meant Europeanisation and Christian religion, a
part of the Western culture.

The new Christians had to detach themselves from their
cultural, social and natural environment.  If they followed
their own culture in any manner whatsoever they were arrested
and tried by the Inquisition.  This situation led both Hindus
and a large number of converts to Catholicism to migrate in
search of peace and a normal life.

          Epidemics as well as continuous wars waged by the
          Sultan of Bijapur, the Marathas and the Portuguese
          hastened the Goan exodus.  Those early Goan
          migrants were mostly farmers.  Today, many of their
          descendants are teachers, lawyers, doctors,
          engineers, Government officials, elected Government
          representatives and many others have joined the
          Defence forces.

Descendants of the people who migrated to the neighbouring
areas of Maharashtra are known there as Bardezkars, since
their ancestors migrated mostly from Bardez.  Their surname
in school registers and revenue records appears as
'Bardezkar'.  The progeny of those settled in Karnataka are
called konkanes because they speak Konkani as well as Kannada.

Hindus, Muslims and Christians in those areas participate in
each other's religious festivals, weddings and other
gatherings and there is hardly any difference in their social
life and food habits.  The then Union Minister of Youth
Affairs, Jitendra Singh, agreed to our request for an Youth
Exchange Programme so that the youth of Goan origin from the
neighbouring areas might visit Goa and get acquainted with
their roots and different facets of life here.

The programme is aimed at youth in the age group of 18 to 30
years, future leaders, who have distinguished themselves in
some field of activity.  It is intended for the young
generation to promote understanding and goodwill between the
three States involved -- Goa, Maharashtra and Karnataka.

Eleven youths of Goan origin settled in Azra, Kholapur
district, visited Goa last year, and participated in a one
week orientation programme to create awareness of different
facets of life in Goa.  They interacted with Goan youth, our
academic and cultural institutions as well as with our
elected representatives at different levels of Government.

They visited the Goa University, met with the faculty and
students and participated in several cultural and social
events.  Subsequently, a group of seven Goan youths visited
Azra for a similar one week schedule and stayed with local
families.  The Nehru Yuvak Kendra conducted this programme.
It is expected to be an annual feature.

          The history of the early Goan emigration needs to
          be written.  The Xavier Centre of Historical
          Research has done some research on this subject.
          The University Grants Commission has funded a Chair
          on Diaspora Studies at the Goa University and it
          will also deal with this topic.

Emigration of Goans continues to this day.  The Department of
NRI Affairs, Government of Goa, in collaboration with the
National Centre for Development Studies released in 2008 a
comprehensive Goa Migration Study.

The Study found Goan diaspora settled in 43 countries with 56
percent in the Middle East, 13 percent in Europe, 11 percent
in South and South East Asia and 10 percent in North America.
About 7 percent of our emigrants work on board the ships.

          Among the emigrants, females are better educated
          than males.  Some 36 percent of the female
          emigrants are graduates compared to 26 percent male
          emigrants.  Remittances from our emigrants are
          estimated at Rs.700 crore and have a significant
          impact on our economy.

Meanwhile, a growing apprehension is being voiced at the
influx of migrants from elsewhere into Goa.  Recently, one of
our Ministers expressed concern that it may destroy Goa's
demography and identity.  To reduce such an influx there
ought to be adequate employment opportunities for Goans in Goa.

Our State has an increasingly educated work force and limited
industrial growth.  In the Sixties, tourism was identified as
a key sector for Goa's development.  However, Goa being a
small State its carrying capacity in terms of its size,
facilities available and ecological fragility needs to be

          Tourism ought to be managed in a manner that
          benefits our people not just in the short term but
          also in the long run.  The economic benefits as
          well as the social costs need to be evaluated.  It
          is indeed necessary to formulate a development
          strategy which provides employment to Goans whilst
          being less dependent on tourism.  Information
          Technology enterprises seem to be most suitable for
          the youth of Goa in view of the rather high
          literacy rate in this State.  IT industries require
          smart work rather than hard physical work.  These
          are the industries of the Knowledge Society and
          they will continue to thrive.

(The writer is a former Union Minister.)

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