Dear Sir / Madam,

Gallery Gitanjali invites you to

*“A Touristic glance of East Timor: The country and the people”*

a Photo Exhibition of about 24  Photos in colour made by Antonio Serra.

Opening on 23rd  July (Wednesday) at 17:30 ,  the Lusophone Society of Goa
in collaboration with the Gallery Gitanjali (Pousada), Fontainhas, Panjim
will have a Photo Exhibition of about 24  Photos in colour made by Antonio
Serra “A Touristic glance of East Timor: the country and the people”.

  The exhibition will be opened  by Prof. Dayananda M.S. (Head of
Management Studies, Goa University).

The exhibition will remain open for the public until Friday, July 25th from
morning 9.30 a.m. to 19.00 p.m.



Gallery Gitanjali
E-212,31st January Road,

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