I think self-plagiarism is actually self-promotion. It
falls in the same category as self-publication of
books and pamphlets, unsolicited display of curriculum
vitae in public forums, exaggerating and touting of
one's own petty accomplishments, etc. The assertion
below that it is regarded as a bigger offense than
plagiarism in the medical field is false. Plagiarism
is much worse. It is illegal. Self-plagiarism or
self-promotion is not.



--- Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You may be surprised about the title of this
> particular post. However in the medical field,
> "self-plagiarism" (for want of a better term) is
> currently a bigger concern and offense than
> plagiarism.  Self-plagiarism is when an scientist /
> doctor, especially in academics, writes / presents
> the same (similar or part of the) data or subject
> matter again and again in different journals (from
> time to time). This practice expands the authors'
> bibliography and "pads" their resumes, without
> adding to the science.

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