RE: " St Jose Vaz has a rare distinction of belonging to a Brahmin Catholic 
family.  St. Jose Vaz could be considered as the first Brahmin Saint in the 

Jason Keith Fernandes <> wrote:  "God! When will 
these brahmins get over themselves? How is Jose Vaz's caste pedigree even 
remotely important ? It is not as if the brahmins are in need of any support 
for their already over inflated egos."

Dear Jason,

Please do not get hypertensive when Brahmins (ie Hindus) feel proud of Jose Vas 
or Joseph Vaz. 

From all accounts, it appears that his forebears were among the Hindu Brahmins 
who converted to Christianity and with that turned their backs on the caste 
apartheid and on their surnames.  

I will need to research a bit more ( cannot do that while I am not at home base 
) but I believe that at least Sant Gynaneshwar preceded Jose Vaz.


Brahmin (Brāhmaṇa, ब्राह्मणः) is the class of educators, law makers, scholars 
and preachers of Dharma in Hinduism

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