
I have not been to Goa for centuries. I can remember
Tato, Real, Bhonsle, Aram and those bharati udipi
outlets Shanbag and the other near Coporation Bank
(run by those bendia chi codi masta zali). Miss the
Cafe Central which situated at Velho Building and also
Cappuchino. There were a couple of ice cream outlets
Eskimo (near Bento Miguel)and an other at Cine
Nacional which has now become a public toilet. 

I am glad that you appreciated the Portugal links.
Surely must have enhanced your knowledge, and with the
invite by Rene to visit Portugal the album might be
useful innit?

Senhor, I'd be grateful if you could give me some
links to interesting
eateries in Goa... Like JoeGoaUK, am working on the
same (but with the
goal of a compilation). Of course, you could look
beyond Chinese.
There's a great deal of "international" food coming to
Goa these days.
Don't blame the Bharatis for that....

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