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November 01, 2014

NAVIN JHA/ THE GOAN November 01, 2014
It is a crime most foul. While you drive from NH17B to Colva through the
interior road, the last of the lush green coconut palm spread that you see
will soon end up being history. And the village of the man who fought to
stop too much of development kill Goa’s virgin landscape, Late Mathany
Saldanha’s Cansaulim faces destruction from a hotel resort project that it
does not want. Despite the fact that the village came to know about it
almost a decade ago and fought silently to stump it, it is only due to the
support of Environment Minister and the local MLA Alinha Saldanha’s tacit
backing that the project was overturned. Yet the unease of the past still
continues to haunt the village.
[image: Mayhem in Matanhy’s backyard]3

Pic Credit : Sagun Gawade

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It’s a wave that shady officials, dishonest panchayat members and the
government will not be able to ignore. And the wave of is only growing

Resentment and protests are growing in the villages of South Goa against a
crop of brazen officials, who in combination with corrupt public
representatives of local civic bodies bypass laws, and ignore locals while
passing building projects with disdain.

A couple of weeks back, on a Sunday, October 12 to be precise, the
Cansaulim-Arossim-Cuelim village panchayat hall was packed with villagers.
The villagers who were present for the gram sabha sounded agitated, and
rightly so. They were both concerned and angry over the proposal for
setting up of a resort in Arossim.

They were angry because panchayat officials in cohorts with vested
panchayat members managed to issue NOC to the promoter of a resort without
taking them into confidence. The village already boasts of two huge hotel
projects and can a third one withstand the crumbling infrastructure in the
village? That was their concern.

“We asked the panchayat secretary to send a letter to the promoter that we
reject its proposal and also to forward the copies to TCP and others,” said
Sheela Gracias, a member of the gram sabha.

Her angst along with the other villagers present at the gram sabha was
palpable. Enough was enough. They were not going to take things lying down.
Not anymore.

*How it all began?*

It all began in 2006. Some panchayat officials in combination with some
panchas issued a NOC to Competent Automobiles Company Ltd for the
construction of a 236-room resort that would include a restaurant having
seating capacity for 200 persons on a sprawling 1, 10,000 sq. meters of
land bang on the coast of Arossim, Cansaulim.

As usually happens in controversial projects, the panchayat failed or
rather deliberately did not table the project before the gram sabha. So
while the panchayat officials and the panchas quietly went about issuing
the permission to the promoter of the resort, the people in the village
were kept in the dark.

After issuing the NOC, the panchayat went a step further and fraudulently
felicitated the construction of a 3-metre road access to the massive
property. The new access was built, after illegally closing the official
access to the beach, which passed through the property.  The official
access to the beach meant for the locals was built much earlier under the
Rural Development Authority scheme. All this was done in a cloak of secrecy
without the knowledge of the villagers.

*Orchard land*

The land on which the construction of controversial resort is set to come
up is an orchard land, the property is a farmer’s delight. It has a large
groove of coconut tree plantations with almost 7100 trees, two low lying
paddy fields and at least four water bodies one of which is a lake.

Age-old traditional occupational houses of fishermen and toddy tappers
(Gaothan) exist on the Eastern side of the property, just half meter away
from its compound wall. The fencing of the property just half meter from
the dwelling units violates the High Court PIL 2012 ruling.

Further the property with survey nos 129/1 130/1,2,3,4,5,7 131/1,132/1
belonging to Competent Automobiles Company Ltd is bounded on the North and
South by traditional rain water storm water drains with definitive names
(Katriam handdi, Beam handdi, Khursachi handdi) and on the western side by
no development zone (NDZ) sand dunes which are shown as access for guests
to the beach. These are yet to be demarcated by M/s Remote Sensing
Instruments, Hyderabad(RSI) or National Institute of Oceanography (NIO).

*Power & water crises*

There is already a big burden on the infrastructure of the village as far
as water and electricity is concerned. The village infrastructure is
overburdened due to excessive demand of water and electricity from the
existing hotels, causing shortages for the resident villagers. The hotels
are given the liberty to tap the Selaulim PWD water supply pipeline at
Verna and have an exclusive 8 – 10 inch diameter pipeline for its use. Very
often, the tapped Selaulim pipeline sites leak and cause wastage of public
water. The hotel projects are also given a free hand to have a dedicated
high tension electric lines which are drawn over domestic houses from
either Verna or Majorda substations thus endangering the lives of the local
people and their houses. The high tension lines passing over the houses
prevent locals to raise their dwellings by another floor.

*The worry over garbage*

The village panchayat does not have any provisions or arrangements for
handling of garbage and solid waste generated within the panchayat area. At
the moment the panchayat is engaged in treating only the dry waste. The
earlier Village Panchayat body had filed a false affidavit before the
Bombay High Court in Writ Petition 2/2007 that composting pits are in
place, thus escaping construction ban imposed on other panchayats which do
not have waste management facilities.

*Hotel project in close proximity*

Two resorts already exist in the village in close proximity to each other.
The two existing resorts – Heritage Village Club is located adjacent to the
proposed resort and the Hotel Park Hyatt Goa Resort and Spa is located at a
distance of 800 mtrs. The highly eco-sensitive coast line of Arossim
village does not have the carrying capacity even for the existing hotels,
leave alone a third one. A major storm water drain was blocked by Hotel
Park Hyatt causing flooding in the last week of June this year. The Water
Resource Department conducted an inspection and compiled a report on the
incident. The cumulative impact of the two large hotels projects in the
village has had a huge impact on the traditional storm water drains thereby
impacting the fragile ecosystem of the village. The WRD and other
authorities should conduct study on the traditional storm water drains
before any such projects can be considered.

*Faulty promise for employment*

Promoters who initiate such huge hotel projects come out with tall promises
of employment to the locals. But after obtaining all the permissions and
green signal on the project they renege on their promises. Initially, they
recruit locals but within a short span of time, may be within 2-3 years,
they hire cheap migrant labour and eject the locals. Even in the taxi
trade, which initially starts with the locals slowly slips into the hands
of the hotel management who connive with the tour operators for commission.
Very often, the taxis are allowed to be operated according to the whims and
fancies of the MLAs, ministers, sarpanchs and panchas and not the really
deserving, needy and unemployed people of the village.

*The social evil*

The hotel management bribes the village panchayat body and encourages
groupism amongst tourist taxi operators, leading to great social tensions
and law and order situations. In the past such incidents had led to one
murder and in another case attempted murder at one of the starred hotel in
the village. Illicit drug trade and flesh trade under the guise of Spa also
go on unabated in such resorts. Illegal commercial trade (night bazar) is
the other social evils posed by these hotels and resorts.

*Mismanagement of sewage by other starred hotel*

The release of sewage from hotels is a chronic issue for all the villages
in Salcete, with the hotels showing no inclination to improve the situation.
 Sewage from the existing hotels has been observed to be released regularly
in the neighboring drains, water bodies and paddy fields and also in the
Arabian Sea. Villagers in Utorda, Benaulim, Varca, Colva, Cavelossim etc
have suffered tremendous economic, social and health costs due to release
of sewage from starred hotels. Based on the past experience, the villagers
of CAC have overwhelming evidence that the proposed resort will cause
tremendous economic and social losses to the village on account of sewage

*The legal tangle*

In PIL no. 29/2011 filed by Goa Foundation, GCZMA, State of Goa and MOEF
made submissions with affidavits that the policy for grant of permissions
for resorts and hotels in CRZ III would be finalized with the help of M/s
Remote Sensing Instruments, Hyderabad. The High Court passed orders on 19th
March 2012 with an undertaking that future clearances will be given only
after RSI demarcates the plots in CRZ III which are suitable for hotels and
resorts based on MOEF guidelines. This study has not yet been undertaken,
and no hotels or resorts can be allowed until such a study has been carried

In the case of Competent Automobiles Company Ltd all clearances obtained
from GCZMA, TCP and MOEF were as on 2008 while the High Court order came on
19th March 2012. The Goa government has still not decided whether RSI
Hyderabad or NIO Goa will do the mapping of the plots and sand dunes.

*Lack of environmental clearance*

Significantly and very surprisingly Competent Automobiles Company Ltd obtained
health permission for the hotel project from the Medical Officer of Primary
Health Centre Cansaulim when it should have been done at the level of
Director/Deputy Director of Health Services.

The Environment Impact Assessment was not conducted by the mandatory Goa
State Environment Impact Assessment authority.

*TCP act throws a spanner*

As per the latest TCP circular no major projects like multi dwelling units
or hotel resorts can be granted licence without a 8 or 10 meter wide road
connecting to the major district road is in place, as per the land
development and building rules and regulation book. The Competent
Automobiles Company Ltd has access to the property by a road that is only 3
meter wide and therefore will find difficult to get licence.

“Raj Chopra, managing director of Competent Automobiles has offered various
infrastructure development to our panchayat including construction of 50
free toilets and adoption of below poverty level families as corporate
commitment for the damage of our environment and peace of our village,”
said Cansaulim sarpanch Josita Cardozo.

“The same must have been the case of obtaining the NOC with the earlier
panchayat which has been proved to be fake not backed by a village
panchayat body resolution,” said Anthony D’ Silva, a member of the CAC gram
sabha and member of CAC Villagers’ Action Committee.

The Cansaulim, Arossim, Cuelim (CAC) village panchayat on October 12 gram
sabha unanimously resolved to return the application file of Competent
Automobiles Company Ltd for construction of the 236-room resort stating
that the file was incomplete as there was no environment clearance /
environment impact assessment from the GSEIAA authority.

The village panchayat also decided to revoke the NOC dated 2006 issued
to Competent
Automobiles Company Ltd as null and void, as under the Goa Panchayati Act
the NOC was not endorsed by the then village panchayat’s elected
representatives and was a fraud on the villagers.

In fact it was based on the fraudulent NOC, Competent Automobiles managed
to get approvals and other clearances from the Central and State government

“The NOC issued in 2006 to the Competent Automobiles by the then secretary
is a fraud and forgery. Under section 47 of the Goa Panchayati Act it is
not supported and backed by the village panchayat body resolution. We
commend the panchayat body and the Sarpanch to revoke the above referred
NOC,” the gram sabha members said.

The gloves are finally off. The villagers have come together and decided to
take the fate of the village in their hands. The panchayat members, the
people who were elected to run the affairs of the village have failed them.
The local administration has literally taken them for a ride. The only way
left is collective opposition. Opposition to protect precious land in tiny

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