People continue to have irrational beliefs and fears even after science has 
answered many questions once and for all. For example, many left-wing and 
right-wing adherents believe that vaccinations are harmful to children. About 
40% of Americans believe that the earth is less than 10,000 years old. 50% 
believe in various medical conspiracy theories. A significant number of people 
still believe that the earth is flat. It is a common observation that when 
people who prefer to stick to their faith-based beliefs and ideologies despite 
evidence to the contrary always resort to platitudes such science is not the 
last word, science does not know everything, etc.

The truth is in the present case, common sense, let alone science, has the 
final answer. If cell phone use has gone up from nothing to more that 90% of 
the population even in poor countries with absolutely no increase in incidence 
of brain cancer or any particular type of cancer, then cell phone use is not a 
cancer-causing public health problem. Any educated rational person should 
accept this fact.



----- Original Message -----
> From: Marshall Mendonza <>
> To: goanet <>
> Cc: 
> Sent: Monday, November 17, 2014 11:52 PM
> Subject: [Goanet] Cell phones and brain tumours
> Jose Colaco wrote:
> I am not even a minimal expert on this BUT, I thought that I'd post this
> anyway - for what it's worth. Whatever the scientific theories, I advise my
> clients to use mic/earphones, and speakers (esp while driving) when using
> cell phones to communicate.
> Santosh Helekar wrote:
> Cell phone use has increased 300% since 2000, but there has not been even
> the slightest increase in the incidence of glioma, the brain tumor that is
> referred to in the article below. In fact, if I remember correctly there
> has been a slight decline.
> Response:
> In my neighbourhood, there is a building which hosted a Cellphone Tower. In
> the building next to it and in its immediate vicinity, I personally know of
> at least 4-5 residents who suffered/ are suffering from cancer, though not
> of the brain. Whether it was a coincidence that the cancer patients resided
> within the proximity of the Cellphone Towers or they contacted cancer
> because of other reasons I do not know. However, the Cellphone Towers have
> put a fear in the minds of people in the neighbourhood. People are not
> ready to accept and debate scientific claims when their lives and well
> being is at stake. Science is not the last word. Science is still searching
> for an answer.
> Regards,
> Marshall

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