I am surprised that a person who swears by science is in total denial
of the havoc created by the wonder drug Thalidomide.

I am however,not surprised, when such scientists assume/ presume and
draw conclusions:

1. That the persons who contacted cancer were smokers.

2. that the patients/ victims were in the age group of above 70 years.

3. that they are the sole possessors of knowledge and reasoning.

They only reinforce in us the old adage:

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level
and beat you with experience.”
You win Sir.



*The pictures and videos below do not show us anything that science
caused 50 years ago. It is ignorance of science that caused all of
those things. Those who ignore science are making the same mistake
today by falsely perpetuating the belief that cancers caused by
something else in their neighborhood are caused by a cell phone tower.
If someone is really concerned about 4 or 5 people suffering from
cancer in their neighborhood he should persuade the 16 - 20 neighbors
of his to give up smoking because science tells us that anybody who
smokes more than 5 cigarettes a day has a 25% chance of getting

Someone who is scientifically ignorant would not also know that every
neighborhood that has more than 13 people above the age of 70 would
have on an average 4 or 5 people suffering from cancer. Scientifically
literate person on the other hand would know this fact and that the
exact reason for it is that the lifetime risk for any person to get
cancer is 40% (43% for men and 37% for women).

One of the biggest problems we face in the world today is that even
educated people are scientifically illiterate, and believe in all
kinds of crackpot conspiracy theories.



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