Dear Mervyn,

What else can I have said it so well.

I believe that it may be related to the following 

(a) It no longer serves the original purpose it possibly was founded for ie To 
find a Mate
(b) The inequitable application of Salazarist moderation.
(c) Time for the Salazars to train (even a few) Marcelo Caetanos and step down.
(d) The younger generation are NOT into writing more that (say) 4 Twitter words.
(e) The few older ones, who write, are getting repetitive and boring.

The one credit to Goanet moderators: Unlike the moderators of Goa Book Club 
(who are equally Salazarist) , They do not publicly behave in a disgustingly 
petty and abusive manner with each other and others.

BTW Mervyn, I am copying this to you and bcc to others.  Not sure this will 
appear on Goanet


> On Mar 16, 2015, at 9:11 PM, Mervyn Lobo <> wrote:
> Goanet used to be a great meeting place, once upon a time. 
> This evening, as I started opening the posts for the past 10 days I found:
> 1) Approx 65% of the emails were composed entirely of a link i.e. essentially 
> directing the reader away from this forum.
> 2) Another 25% of the emails were from people who either have a tough time 
> writing a simple thought or are writing entire posts encrypted. 
> 3) Two posts from an interesting writer who sends a copy here, of what he 
> writes elsewhere.
> 4) Lots of great pictures.

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