The spirti are falling down, so it seems over Valmiki's book,about the
Margao church. Reading Dr. Colaco, it seems the book has raised the dead
spirits of the area. If a book reflects so much bitterness as Dr. Colaco
has written, it's time to really valuate by someone who is independent.

I haven't read VM's piece saying that is the best historical book. One
other young writer/columnist also said that Selma's book, Diaspora
Wilderness, was the best historical book. How do these guys come to such a
conclusion? Have they or rather VM read all the history books? If so, can
one agree with him about Valmiki's book, which I haven't got yet?

I once pointed out the VM was one of those who seemed to take for granted
that Nehru said that Goans are "ajeeb" but, like others, he failed to give
reference to the quote.

Going by Dr. Colaco's remark that history books cannot be written in three
months, one can do believe that it's so. Maybe, the book is "oral hisotry"
and perhaps Valmiki will be on safe ground if he says so.

The church obviously holds lot of history. Fr. Nascimento has proved his
merit has someone who can go deep into digging history. Maybe, he could do
the right thing in bringing out the church's history, if Valmiki's book is
found wanting in this respect.

It think Dr. Colaco's desire to end the debate and the controversy is good.
Now comes real assessment of the book. Hope someone does the job well.


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