It merits noting here that the Dr. Colaco in this 'contra tu' with Valmiki
Faleiro (VF), is Dr. Francisco Colaco (FC), Goa's leading cardiologist and
not simple me (jc).

Ab inicio, allow me to state that I have nothing but the deepest of regards
and respect for these fine gentlemen.

My personal respect for FC, VF and everyone else on Goanet having been
acknowledged, I have never hesitated to say my piece. It has never been my
technique to sit on any fence. Sometimes I have been right, at other times,

If 'we'  remember ......on a number of occasions, I have vehemently
objected to the public disclosure of medical information of others.

One such case was that of a Goan athlete who committed suicide in 2001. I
was shocked that the post-mortem details of this hapless individual were
splashed on Goanet and on Rediff (Sandesh Prabhudesai). I also remember the
defence put up by a number of prominent Goanetters stating the public's
Right to Know.

Nonsense !

And then, I had the good fortune to study for the LLB (Hons) and the LLM
(Medical Law) from the UK.

Now, I understand even more keenly WHY another person's private medical
history is NONE of our business and WHY it is protected even in death (with
some exclusion clauses).

Physicians like FC, me and others are expected to maintain an even higher
level of confidentiality when it comes to patient information than the 'man
on the Clapham omnibus'...or Betul to Margao express

Many countries have very strong Data Protection statutes. The US has a very
stringent HIPAA Act. Physicians and other health professionals are liable
for severe actions for violations, also because their WORDS are believed.

Dr. Francisco Colaco makes a very important point - (and I paraphrase)
 that ALL of us make mistakes and that None of us are perfect: " "let him
who has no sin cast the first stoneā€.

My position is this:  I do not hold myself responsible for the actions etc
of Nehru, Salazar, Sambhaji, Churchill, Tipu, Bandodkar or even my own
forebears or other relatives. They did what they did.....and there is
nothing any of us can do about the past except learn from it AND endeavour
tonever repeat the mistakes of others or ours.

ps: I do not mind discussing what I have written above via private email.
BUT........I am done with this topic on Goanet.

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