Caritas India dispatches relief team to quake-hit Nepal 
    Caritas India appealed the nation to come forward and offer support for the 
quake-hit country.
    Posted on April 28, 2015, 10:21 PM  



                  New Delhi: 
          Caritas India, the social arm of the Catholic Church in India, 
today sent a five-member team to Nepal to conduct an assessment and 
analysis of the damage done by the devastating earthquake that hit the 
country after eight decades.

“Heading the team is Caritas India’s
 DRR-Technical Manager Anjan Bag who led many disaster responses 
including Uttarakhand and Kashmir floods,” said Fr. Frederick D’Souza, 
executive director of Caritas India.

Bag is assigned to conduct 
the need assessment and analysis for intervention as well as networking 
of the relief work in Nepal. He is joined by Quality Manager Sunil 
Another member of the team is Mumbai-based Sr. Hilda 
Fernandes, who will assist in psycho social counselling while two more 
members from Camelian task force will provide medical assistance.  
 D’Souza, in a statement, said that India team shall deliver effective 
services, given the composition of the team - experts and 
experience-holders in emergency responses.
He said that the 
earthquake has brought everyone, the poor as well as the rich, to the 
streets as the best of the buildings have developed cracks and are not 
safe anymore. Many are taking shelters in the tents and space provided 
by Caritas network.
Even as relief materials started to arrive, 
over 1500 kilograms of rice, 174 tents along with many a packets of dry 
food items like noodles with cooking oil and biscuits were distributed 
amongst most needy families today
“Water and food continue to be
 a major concern and Caritas teams who have arrived from across the 
globe are fighting against all odds from disrupted road connectivity to 
shortage of power supply affecting flow of communication and 
coordination in relief work,” explained Dr. Haridas from Caritas India 
stationed in Nepal since the earthquake hit the country.

Caritas India appealed the nation to come forward and offer support for the 
quake-hit country.
 funds coming to Caritas India will be given to PMO fund. People who are
 interested can also make payment to Caritas International Headquarter 
based in Rome by logging onto
Caritas organizations 
from all over the world are mobilising resources. The cost of major 
relief articles which includes drinking water, tent, rice bags, dry food
 cost 700 rupees and can support a family for a week.


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