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   This month's Goanet operations sponsored by an Anonymous Donor

On 13/04/07, George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > Mario Goveia wrote:
> > Most doctors in the US believe religion is good for their patient's health. 
> >  I can imagine
> > the reactions of the well known secularists on Goanet - without naming any 
> > names.
> Here we go again - Mario having another life crisis in Goan cyberspace. Are 
> we supposed to offer
> free psychiatric advice again?
> Regards,
> George

RESPONSE: Seems to me, that it is more than a life crisis ! Mario is
trying through the back door, to get into the good books of the
'almighty one' having doubted (Thomas) in the past, with his
reasoning: 'we shall all know at the moment of death' or words to that
effect. A true believer would not have spake thus!


Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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