Dear Robin,

Thank you for indicating the name of the author of the 'sad' article in 

The only points I will add to my previously posted critique of the article are:

1: I am surprised that a good writer/journalist like him could have penned such 
an inadequately researched, inappropriately worded and unbalanced article.  I 
believe, there is enough material in the public and legal domains to prove, 
beyond any doubt, that Land (property), Money and Power disputes plague 
families of ALL faiths and non-faiths and places. There was NO need to hang 
that Cross (!) on Goan Catholic families. This is also one of the points 
Bernado Colaco has made.

2: Words including Headlines are very important especially in view of the 
relatively tense religious sensitivities prevalent in Goa at this point and 

3: BTW: A curious and apparently unchallenged suggestion I found in the article 
was this one reportedly made by a Police Officer : "Goa archbishop should start 
special courts to resolve such issues in a Catholic spirit ". 

COMMENT: ....Say What? ! 'Curia' Law to deal with Land disputes in a Common Law 


4: In any event, it is UCAN's responsibility to either place the name of the 
author AND a disclaimer on the website that the views are those of the author 
and NOT those of UCAN .. OR take responsibility for the views expressed in the 


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