October 16, 2015

GFDO strongly condemned the arrogant attitude exhibited by the Parsekar 
government as seen by its shoddy shallow and misleading replies to the 
questions raised by the Federation of Rainbow Warriors (FRW) with the Expert 
Appraisal Committee of the MoEF that is looking into granting EC for the Mopa 
Airport project. In the same manner as the government’s so called “Public 
Hearing” of the EIA in February, once again the Parsekar government is seeking 
to brazenly give validity to a flimsy, shockingly slipshod, contradictory and 
outdated document done way back in 2011, in an obvious attempt at empty 
tokenism which is not acceptable to the people of Goa.

The Western Ghats, which abuts the Mopa plateau and forms most of the eastern 
part of Goa, have been internationally recognized as one of the biodiversity 
hotspots of the world. In the February 1999 issue of National Geographic 
Magazine, Goa was compared with the Amazon and Congo basins for its rich 
tropical biodiversity. The conservation of the Mopa plateau is necessary to 
maintain the quality, diversity and minimum spatial extent of the Western Ghats 
of Goa essential for its survival and for the environment security of Goa.

GFDO pointed out that the government maintains from the public exchequer a 
number of environmental expert bodies of the Goa administration like the Goa 
State Biodiversity Board and the Goa State Pollution Control Board, who have 
failed to conduct the mandatory study of the biodiversity and the eco sensitive 
nature of the Mopa plateau. In response to an RTI filed by GFDO, the Goa State 
Biodiversity Board has clearly stated that it does not have any record of a 
study being conducted with respect to the Mopa plateau region. And yet, the 
government is attempting to bulldoze a gigantic project like Mopa Airport, 
without even any idea of its ramifications on this biodiversity hotspot.

R C Khurana, Ex AAI Director and Chairman of the Site Selection Committee for 
Mopa, has gone on record to say that “Mopa is unsafe and inadequate as a 
location in Goa’s future interest from an aviation point of view”. What is it 
then that is driving the Goa Government to jeopardize and endanger not only 
Goa’s environmental security, but also the safety of air travelers by foisting 
an airport project against the stated opinions of environmental as well as 
aviation experts? 

It is unfortunate that the BJP government appears to consider the electoral 
mandate given to it by the people of Goa as carte blanche to bulldoze all 
projects whether it is Mopa, Marinas, Tiracol or Carmona, without considering 
the environmental and social impact on the state and its people. But most 
worrying of all, is the government’s totally arbitrary and lackadaisical manner 
of functioning, and its conviction of unaccountability to the people who have 
voted it into power. The misleading responses of the government to the Expert 
Appraisal Committee, that go against prevailing facts and the wisdom of the 
experts, clearly indicate that it has no relevant answers with respect to the 
Mopa Airport project.

GFDO demands that the Government of Goa show some respect to the climate, 
ecology and the people of Goa by treating the imposition of such a massive 
project on such a large tract of land in an eco sensitive zone with the concern 
and care it merits.


Fr. Eremito Rebelo  

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