November 9, 2015


GFDO said that the Bihar elections had sent a clear and unambiguous message to 
the Bharatiya Janata Party that the people of this country are essentially 
democrats at heart and will not entertain a dictatorial and divisive style of 
governance. It is to be hoped that at least now, the BJP government in Goa, 
assimilates the lessons of Bihar and changes its autocratic and unaccountable 
style of governance. 

Despite its inability or intentional failure to fulfil its election promises, 
the BJP government has inexplicably moved full steam ahead to push through 
projects that were never ever on its manifesto. For two years now, the GFDO 
along with various other groups have been voicing the concerns and doubts of 
the people of Goa regarding the economic and environmental feasibility and 
viability of the unnecessary Mopa Airport project that is being foisted upon 
the state. The government has obstinately refused to clarify the relevant 
queries raised by concerned citizens and GFDO about this project. In fact, it 
has even ignored safety concerns expressed about the site of this proposed 
project by the Chairman of the Site Selection Committee and ex AAI Director R C 
Khurana in his report and the ICAO and ADPi expert opinions that one airport is 
the best solution for Goa. 

Indeed, the unviability of this project has been conclusively proved by the 
compulsion of this government to literally cajole and entice bidders for the 
Mopa Airport project by gifting 232 acres land at 2.5 FAR for unrestricted 
commercial development, which shockingly, will remain with the builder, even if 
the Airport project is cancelled. The government does not seem to consider that 
these are community resources belonging to the people of Goa and cannot be 
gifted away at the whims and fancies of those who happen to be in power. Little 
wonder then, that CM Parsekar is least interested in pursuing Special Status 
for Goa which was on the BJP manifesto, but which involves the preservation of 
Goan land and identity.

The hidden costs of this white elephant of an Airport, are now being seen in 
the shape of the Tiracol golf course, the unaffordable and exorbitant elevated 
approach road to the Mopa Airport, almost 7.5 kms. long, and the massive 
widening of the National Highways that will cause massive displacement and 
dispossession of Goan people. All this suffering must be endured by the people 
of Goa, just to make the BJP’s  dream project possible. For a state keeping 
itself afloat through massive and unsustainable loans, the BJP government’s 
huge and losing gamble at the cost of the people of Goa for favoured vested 
interests is nothing but a total sell out of the Goan electorate and the land 
that an elected government is supposed to protect.    

Instead of heeding the desperate cries of people all over Goa, this government 
talks of enacting laws that will undermine the rights of the citizen over 
private and community resources even further, just to facilitate the interests 
of lobbies and other corporate interests for obvious reasons. There are plans 
afoot to make illegal structures on community and private land legal. The 
subtle undermining of people’s democratic rights under this government has 
reached unbearable proportions. It is to be hoped that the message and lessons 
of Bihar are taken seriously by the BJP government in Goa. Or else the arrogant 
unresponsiveness, attitude of unaccountability and complete disconnect with the 
people who voted it into power, will be roundly repaid in the approaching 2017 
state elections.

Eremito Rebelo

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