Dear Sidharth,

Yes. You are partially right. I agree that I made a confusion  that of
Shekar Sraressai instead of Chief Secretrry's  name. I am sorry for that.
I do not agree that there were more than 3 councilors because I and Dr. Joe
met them and they also told us that they have shown us the  invitation
 which was given 2 days in advance and that Surendra  Furtado when I called
 him, he said he did not receive and was not interested to come for the
Yes , you are right again that you said after your speech for  any
questions, , but the organizers did not allow. We Panjimites, wanted to ask
several questions.  After the lunch break f i met Mayor and we talked to
each other and I have presented my 25 points write up handed over to him
with  my suggestion and recommendations and also i told him to pass it on
to you which he has declined.. We left after that.
Anyway the presentation was good and you have talked well and as I am also
from Mala,  i expect that you will do the best for that area,  and also  I
expect to look after  that St Ines creek and Patto..
Hope this reply is satisfactorily to you,

Thanks  and regards,

Stephen Dias
Donna Paula


On 4 November 2015 at 07:44, Sidharth Kuncalienker <>

> Dear Stephen bab,
> Read your email with incorrect facts put in. First of all, Shekhar
> Sardessai was very much present and was sitting next to me on dias. Also
> there were more than 3 Councillors from BJP who were present.
> Sir, I presented my vision for the city and at the end of my presentation,
> I made an appeal that I am open for questions / suggestions, however since
> there was no questions, I ended my speech. After the initial opening
> function was over, I was present at the venue interacting with gathered
> audience and was present during entire tea beak. Moreover I was back for
> after noon sessions by 3.45 PM and was there in audience till end and even
> presented concluding remarks. Even after the end of function, I interacted
> with all dignitaries present. Hon. Mayor of CCP, Shri Shubham Chodankar was
> present full time for the function from morning till it ended in evening.
> Sir, it has become a fashion to blame BJP for everything. Pl refrain from
> making false allegations.
> Panaji is our city and we should not wait for formal invitations for
> consultative process pertaining to our city. Pl do convey this to Mr.
> Surendra-bab with my regards.
> We have received lot of positive response for this Smart City Initiative
> and look forward to Panaji truly becoming a wonderful place to live in.
> With kind regards
> Sidharth Kuncalienker
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 12:15 AM, Stephen Dias <>
> wrote:
>> I have attended the Panaji Smart City function at Fidalgo Hotel on  3rd
>> November 2015 although hardly any well advance notice was issued in the
>> Press. I came to know on 3rd Nov at 6.30AM when I read Navhind Times
>> advertisement on line, and within one hour I have made these suggestion
>> which is enclosed.below.
>> Dignitaries present on the dais;
>> i) Chief Secretary R.K. Srivastava , Special address
>> 2) Shubam Chodankar CCP Mayor ( did not speak)
>> 3) Sidarth Kunkolienkar MLA of Panjim Key note address
>> 4) Gazal Bhmabri ICLEI representative
>> 5) Richard Dias Moderator and ICLEI rep  and vote of thanks
>> 6) Sanjit Rodrigues CCP Commissioner and Shekar Sardesai both absent
>> First,  Chief Secretary Srivastava spoke and later MLA of Panjim Sidarth
>> spoke and both left the venue soon after.their lecture. No question answer
>> were allowed.
>> After that presentation by consultants from ICLEI  ( International
>> Council Environmental  Initiative, South Asia),  has caried out..
>> I have presented my 25 points suggestions  and recommendation to the jury
>> sitting over there. I have distributed also the copies to Mayor of CCP and
>> the press people present..  ( enclosed the write up) .
>> I have asked ICLEI  to minute the meeting, of my write up  and what was
>> discussed and talked by me and Panjimites.  .Later I have  distributed the
>> copies and circulated to all those dignitaries of ECLEI..
>> I have noticed that Sanjit Rodrigues did not attend the meet.
>> Sidarth Kunkolienkar  MLA of Panjim after giving his speech left the
>> venue   and never came back.
>>  This is always the case  that BJP leaders do that.
>>  Earlier MLA Vishnu Wagh  gave his speech on Matanhy Saldanha Memorial
>> function, at Institute Menezes Braganza Hall and immediately left the
>> venue, without even telling the audience. I was also present for that
>> function..
>> How can you trust these leaders, because the people in the audience wants
>> to interact with the speakers after their talk.
>> After the lectures and presentation we had a powerful discussion by
>> Panjimites, and many criticism  made by Panjimites, activists  and
>> scientists present at the audience, on the SMART CITY.
>> We requested the committee of ICLEI to minute the whole discussions  and
>> hope that  the  PRESS and Print media  do the coverage..
>> Overall conclusion of discussion  is that whether Goa Government would be
>> able to spend at least Rs 100 crores per year when they have failed in
>> JUNRUM and other projects.   Second is that Panjim is not a viable city for
>> a Smart City due to various factors especially on Casinos menace, St Ines
>> and Ourem creek,  garbage, bad roads, sewage and underground cabling in
>> mess,  No parking in existing High rise buildings,  gutters and storm water
>> drains not in place, Sea level Rise.etc.
>> Many solutions were offered by the Panjimites but it does not appear good
>> for ECLEI to organize this project,  in view of CCP apathy and disorganized
>> CCP. Even CCP Commissioner Sanjit Rodrigues was not present. In fact only 3
>> Councillors from BJP were present as they were give 2 days advance
>> invitation whereas other councilors were absent including all the previous
>> Mayors,  especially the last  Mayor Surendra Furtado, who told me over the
>> phone at the venue,  that he has not received any invitation,   reasons are
>> not known to me.
>> Considering all these problems  how BJP Government expect that Panaji to
>> become a SMART CITY?
>> Stephen Dias
>> Panjimite
>> date: 3.11.2015
>> =================================================
>> Inbox
>> x
>> Stephen Dias <>
>> 07:51 (19 minutes ago)
>> to commissioner, Goanet, Goa's, Smart, Laxmikant, francis, pce-pwd.goa,
>> mridula, chief, dgpgoa, dharmesh, bcc: shashwat, bcc: shashwat_ray, bcc:
>> editor, bcc: Editor, bcc: editor, bcc: Menino, bcc: editor, bcc: Sujay,
>> bcc: raul, bcc: Alina, bcc: Aires, bcc: Judith, bcc: derek.almeida, bcc:
>> navhindaaa
>> To,
>> In-Charge of Smart City of Panjim
>> Commissioner of City of Panaji
>> Dear Sanjit Rodrigues
>> It is nice that at least now you have decided to put the advertisement
>> inviting  stake holders to meet at Fidalgo Hotel at 9 AM today on 3,11,2015
>> which you have not done it before. Although you have not given well advance
>> notice so that many may not know that there is such kind of meeting. Anyway
>> some who have seen the papers might come and give their consent and
>> suggestions for converting Panjim as SMART>
>> By the way following are my questions so that you can be ready to answer
>> my few queries which I have just sending across you by e-mail
>> Questions:
>> 1)  First you have to keep an expert person to write down minutes of the
>> meeting which CCP most the times had                failed..
>> 2)  Many questions were raised in earlier private meetings as well as in
>> your CCP meetings by your Councillors and         their questions  are
>> needed to answer.
>> 3) The most important person/s like for example Dr.Nandkumar Kamat, Dr.
>> Oscar rebello, Dr. Joe D'Sousa, Patricia Pinto, Armando Gonsalves,
>>  Surendra Furtado and many important Panjimites  must be invited with
>> proper invitation.
>> 4)  My question is need to answer during the meet at Fidalgo today:
>>       a) Plans to be made available of Panjim city showing detailed
>> gutter mapping, presently done and earlier during                 Portugues
>> time plans..
>>        b) How many Petrol pumps are in the city which needs to be shunted
>> out.
>>        c) How many old discarded constructions needed to be demolished
>> and their locations.
>>        d) How many legal and illegal shops available in the city for
>> motor vehicles repairs and Tyre work repairs.
>>        e) What have you done to get revival/cleaning  of St Ines Creek
>> and Ourem Creek.
>>        f) Why the Dona Paula  to Miramar road work is taking time and
>> already now completes one year and when will be             completed.
>>        g) Almost all the Panjim roads are not asphalted nor repaired by
>> PWD, what action CCP has initiated.
>>        h) Panjim to get into SMART CITY do you know that sea level rise
>> is affecting the City of Panjim and how you are              going tackle
>> it..
>>        i)  High rise buildings which does not have parking provision
>> approval and existing ones also, what action will be                taken
>> on them.
>>         j) Many old discarded vehicles are seen on the roads, whether CCP
>> has initiated any move to remove them.
>>         k) Garbage for ever not under control, when this will be done or
>> whether will it be materialized.
>>         l) Casinos menace must be shunted out  from Mandovi to Offshore .
>> Now Lexicon floutel vessel of 1500 capacity           can ruin the city for
>> gambling , dancing parties wedding , striptease dances,  as I underrated
>> that government                and a  particular Press is involved and
>> supporting this move,  including  captain of ports ..When Casinos will be
>>                  shunted out to offshore?
>>         m) No toilets Sullabi are working in the city in proper way.
>> Whether CCP had taken note of it.
>>         o) Heavy trucks and tractors, including JCB's are often moving in
>> the city either transporting market goods, sand,             stones and mud
>> . Does CCP understand that these vehicle can damage roads and that traffic
>> must be                          well regulated and if necessary to send
>> them out away from city limits.
>>          p) Health Dept needs to be informed about people urinating
>> defecating in open areas and also spitting  on the                   walls
>> including of the government offices and in whole  market area, whether any
>> fine was imposed?
>>          q) Haphazard parking on all the roads in the city. Any action
>> taken for better parking.
>>          r)  Electricity poles with live High Tension lines running
>> across the city  are still existing whether underground
>> cabling work will be executed and when?
>>          s) Water pipelines running zigzac and across the electrical old
>> wiring whether this will be removed and a plan                    drawing
>> plan will be made available during the discussions of meet at Fidalgo.
>>           t)  Substandard  materials like pipes, cables, stones, bricks,
>> sand etc  are been in use,  whether CCP are                      checking
>> for quality with the GEC  Engineering College Framaguidi,  which I believe
>> they have faculties to                    check.
>>           u) Proper leveling of roads are not done by competent
>> government Surveyors department  or else this will create
>>   problems once the roads are completed.
>>           v)  Al the buildings from the city must be checked for sanitary
>> system and hotels for sewage  discharge.
>>           w) When the work of sewage plan will be completed and whether a
>> written guarantee is obtained  from the
>>  contractor/s  in event of failure of the project.
>>            x) Road quality at the time of asphalting will PWD supervise
>> personally or contractor will be given whole powers               to
>> execute it, because roads are always bad in the city and every year these
>> are to be done.
>>            y) When Panjim market will put in order.
>>            z) Panjim city and major junctions needs to plan for proper
>> lighting and with traffic ligths.
>>             Note: If the above suggestions and recommendation are not
>> taken care by CCP then PANJIM  WILL NEVER                         BE A
>> Stephen Dias
>> Former Scientist of NIO.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> On 3 November 2015 at 07:51, Smart City Panaji <
>> > wrote:
>>> Greetings from *SMART CITY PANAJI CELL. *We thank you for your valuable
>>> suggestions.
>>> Please complete a small survey for *Round 2 *of Citizen Participation.
>>> Click on following link.
>>> * <>*
>>>  Thanks and regards
>>>  *Smart city Cell,*
>>> Nalanda Hall, EDC House,
>>> Panaji -Goa

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