I have attended the Panaji Smart City function at Fidalgo Hotel on  3rd
November 2015 although hardly any well advance notice was issued in the
Press. I came to know on 3rd Nov at 6.30AM when I read Navhind Times
advertisement on line, and within one hour I have made these suggestion
which is enclosed.below.

Dignitaries present on the dais;

i) Chief Secretary R.K. Srivastava , Special address
2) Shubam Chodankar CCP Mayor ( did not speak)
3) Sidarth Kunkolienkar MLA of Panjim Key note address
4) Gazal Bhmabri ICLEI representative
5) Richard Dias Moderator and ICLEI rep  and vote of thanks
6) Sanjit Rodrigues CCP Commissioner and Shekar Sardesai both absent

First,  Chief Secretary Srivastava spoke and later MLA of Panjim Sidarth
spoke and both left the venue soon after.their lecture. No question answer
were allowed.
After that presentation by consultants from ICLEI  ( International Council
Environmental  Initiative, South Asia),  has caried out..

I have presented my 25 points suggestions  and recommendation to the jury
sitting over there. I have distributed also the copies to Mayor of CCP and
the press people present..  ( enclosed the write up) .
I have asked ICLEI  to minute the meeting, of my write up  and what was
discussed and talked by me and Panjimites.  .Later I have  distributed the
copies and circulated to all those dignitaries of ECLEI..
I have noticed that Sanjit Rodrigues did not attend the meet.
Sidarth Kunkolienkar  MLA of Panjim after giving his speech left the venue
  and never came back.
 This is always the case  that BJP leaders do that.
 Earlier MLA Vishnu Wagh  gave his speech on Matanhy Saldanha Memorial
function, at Institute Menezes Braganza Hall and immediately left the
venue, without even telling the audience. I was also present for that
How can you trust these leaders, because the people in the audience wants
to interact with the speakers after their talk.
After the lectures and presentation we had a powerful discussion by
Panjimites, and many criticism  made by Panjimites, activists  and
scientists present at the audience, on the SMART CITY.
We requested the committee of ICLEI to minute the whole discussions  and
hope that  the  PRESS and Print media  do the coverage..
Overall conclusion of discussion  is that whether Goa Government would be
able to spend at least Rs 100 crores per year when they have failed in
JUNRUM and other projects.   Second is that Panjim is not a viable city for
a Smart City due to various factors especially on Casinos menace, St Ines
and Ourem creek,  garbage, bad roads, sewage and underground cabling in
mess,  No parking in existing High rise buildings,  gutters and storm water
drains not in place, Sea level Rise.etc.
Many solutions were offered by the Panjimites but it does not appear good
for ECLEI to organize this project,  in view of CCP apathy and disorganized
CCP. Even CCP Commissioner Sanjit Rodrigues was not present. In fact only 3
Councillors from BJP were present as they were give 2 days advance
invitation whereas other councilors were absent including all the previous
Mayors,  especially the last  Mayor Surendra Furtado, who told me over the
phone at the venue,  that he has not received any invitation,   reasons are
not known to me.
Considering all these problems  how BJP Government expect that Panaji to
become a SMART CITY?

Stephen Dias
date: 3.11.2015






Stephen Dias <steve.dia...@gmail.com>

07:51 (19 minutes ago)

to commissioner, Goanet, Goa's, Smart, Laxmikant, francis, pce-pwd.goa,
mridula, chief, dgpgoa, dharmesh, bcc: shashwat, bcc: shashwat_ray, bcc:
editor, bcc: Editor, bcc: editor, bcc: Menino, bcc: editor, bcc: Sujay, bcc:
 raul, bcc: Alina, bcc: Aires, bcc: Judith, bcc: derek.almeida, bcc:


In-Charge of Smart City of Panjim

Commissioner of City of Panaji

Dear Sanjit Rodrigues

It is nice that at least now you have decided to put the advertisement
inviting  stake holders to meet at Fidalgo Hotel at 9 AM today on 3,11,2015
which you have not done it before. Although you have not given well advance
notice so that many may not know that there is such kind of meeting. Anyway
some who have seen the papers might come and give their consent and
suggestions for converting Panjim as SMART>

By the way following are my questions so that you can be ready to answer my
few queries which I have just sending across you by e-mail


1)  First you have to keep an expert person to write down minutes of the
meeting which CCP most the times had                failed..

2)  Many questions were raised in earlier private meetings as well as in
your CCP meetings by your Councillors and         their questions  are
needed to answer.

3) The most important person/s like for example Dr.Nandkumar Kamat, Dr.
Oscar rebello, Dr. Joe D'Sousa, Patricia Pinto, Armando Gonsalves,
 Surendra Furtado and many important Panjimites  must be invited with
proper invitation.

4)  My question is need to answer during the meet at Fidalgo today:

      a) Plans to be made available of Panjim city showing detailed gutter
mapping, presently done and earlier during                 Portugues time

       b) How many Petrol pumps are in the city which needs to be shunted

       c) How many old discarded constructions needed to be demolished and
their locations.

       d) How many legal and illegal shops available in the city for motor
vehicles repairs and Tyre work repairs.

       e) What have you done to get revival/cleaning  of St Ines Creek and
Ourem Creek.

       f) Why the Dona Paula  to Miramar road work is taking time and
already now completes one year and when will be             completed.

       g) Almost all the Panjim roads are not asphalted nor repaired by
PWD, what action CCP has initiated.

       h) Panjim to get into SMART CITY do you know that sea level rise is
affecting the City of Panjim and how you are              going tackle it..

       i)  High rise buildings which does not have parking provision
approval and existing ones also, what action will be                taken
on them.

        j) Many old discarded vehicles are seen on the roads, whether CCP
has initiated any move to remove them.

        k) Garbage for ever not under control, when this will be done or
whether will it be materialized.

        l) Casinos menace must be shunted out  from Mandovi to Offshore .
Now Lexicon floutel vessel of 1500 capacity           can ruin the city for
gambling , dancing parties wedding , striptease dances,  as I underrated
that government                and a  particular Press is involved and
supporting this move,  including  captain of ports ..When Casinos will be
                 shunted out to offshore?

        m) No toilets Sullabi are working in the city in proper way.
Whether CCP had taken note of it.

        o) Heavy trucks and tractors, including JCB's are often moving in
the city either transporting market goods, sand,             stones and mud
. Does CCP understand that these vehicle can damage roads and that traffic
must be                          well regulated and if necessary to send
them out away from city limits.

         p) Health Dept needs to be informed about people urinating
defecating in open areas and also spitting  on the                   walls
including of the government offices and in whole  market area, whether any
fine was imposed?

         q) Haphazard parking on all the roads in the city. Any action
taken for better parking.

         r)  Electricity poles with live High Tension lines running across
the city  are still existing whether underground                   cabling
work will be executed and when?

         s) Water pipelines running zigzac and across the electrical old
wiring whether this will be removed and a plan                    drawing
plan will be made available during the discussions of meet at Fidalgo.

          t)  Substandard  materials like pipes, cables, stones, bricks,
sand etc  are been in use,  whether CCP are                      checking
for quality with the GEC  Engineering College Framaguidi,  which I believe
they have faculties to                    check.

          u) Proper leveling of roads are not done by competent government
Surveyors department  or else this will create                     problems
once the roads are completed.

          v)  Al the buildings from the city must be checked for sanitary
system and hotels for sewage  discharge.

          w) When the work of sewage plan will be completed and whether a
written guarantee is obtained  from the
 contractor/s  in event of failure of the project.

           x) Road quality at the time of asphalting will PWD supervise
personally or contractor will be given whole powers               to
execute it, because roads are always bad in the city and every year these
are to be done.

           y) When Panjim market will put in order.

           z) Panjim city and major junctions needs to plan for proper
lighting and with traffic ligths.

            Note: If the above suggestions and recommendation are not taken
care by CCP then PANJIM  WILL NEVER                         BE A  SMART

Stephen Dias

Former Scientist of NIO.


On 3 November 2015 at 07:51, Smart City Panaji <smartcitypan...@gmail.com>

> Greetings from *SMART CITY PANAJI CELL. *We thank you for your valuable
> suggestions.
> Please complete a small survey for *Round 2 *of Citizen Participation.
> Click on following link.
> *http://goo.gl/forms/NwQmZTXtXU <http://goo.gl/forms/NwQmZTXtXU>*
>  Thanks and regards
>  *Smart city Cell,*
> Nalanda Hall, EDC House,
> Panaji -Goa

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