
Ref: Sorter De Souza letter in The Goan dt 24th Nov.  2015 titled Justice
for Bismarque

With reference to his above letter from Sorter de Souza appeared in The
Goan exposes his true colours that he is wolf in his sheep clothes.

Once he is BJP worker and in-charge of BJP youth wing, he has deserted the
RSS and has come close to the Church for his own ulterior motive. Whether
the Church trust him or not is a million dollar question, but he wants to
create a rift between catholic laity and the Church authority by making a
statement as; “So also, some with vested communal interests are dragging
unrelated issues into this controversy to defame and abuse the Church and
instigate Catholics against the Church leadership and the government. The
flashing of Christian religious symbols and exhortations during public
protests appears to be more of an attempt to make a mockery of the
Christian faith than seek justice for Bismarque”.

Allegedly Sorter had been telling people on 6th November that Fr. Bismarque
when was missing that the priest is purposely hiding himself to come out
later and seek publicity for himself by saying that he was kidnapped.. How
low thinking can a person acquire?   Readers only can determine.

Stephen Dias

Dona Paula

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