And Sater derives from the Greek, savior.

—Venantius J Pinto

On Tue, Nov 24, 2015 at 6:16 AM, Stephen Dias <>

> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ref: Sorter De Souza letter in The Goan dt 24th Nov.  2015 titled Justice
> for Bismarque
> With reference to his above letter from Sorter de Souza appeared in The
> Goan exposes his true colours that he is wolf in his sheep clothes.
> Once he is BJP worker and in-charge of BJP youth wing, he has deserted the
> RSS and has come close to the Church for his own ulterior motive. Whether
> the Church trust him or not is a million dollar question, but he wants to
> create a rift between catholic laity and the Church authority by making a
> statement as; “So also, some with vested communal interests are dragging
> unrelated issues into this controversy to defame and abuse the Church and
> instigate Catholics against the Church leadership and the government. The
> flashing of Christian religious symbols and exhortations during public
> protests appears to be more of an attempt to make a mockery of the
> Christian faith than seek justice for Bismarque”.
> Allegedly Sorter had been telling people on 6th November that Fr. Bismarque
> when was missing that the priest is purposely hiding himself to come out
> later and seek publicity for himself by saying that he was kidnapped.. How
> low thinking can a person acquire?   Readers only can determine.
> Stephen Dias
> Dona Paula

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