GL response:
It is extremely disheartening to read the following post for someone from whom 
I would expect better.  
Do students go to college to learn and graduate with high skills or to be 
involved in political activism and a wasted career other than end being a low 
wage worker or at best a labor leader?  Is the political activism a good use of 
the students' adolescence and their parents' hard-working money and efforts 
trying to give their children a good education?
I wonder if the respected advocate would give his own children the advice of 
political activism in college?  
The job of cleaning up the "rampant corruption and bad Governance" lies with 
the legal profession and those who vote.  A better and democratic way would of 
course be of them to run for political office.  If this fails, I would suggest 
the advocate (along with like-minded colleagues) go on a hunger strike to 
demand reform and change in governance.  
It is much easier to be critical, negative, demonize and destroy than work 
cooperatively to grow and build and ne productive.  Here is a motto - BE THE 
Lets stop using college and high school children as a political tool for our 
own personal agenda.
Regards, GL

From: Aires Rodrigues, Advocate High Court 

Student activism encompasses student involvement in issues dealing with 
economic, environmental, political and social change on and off the campus.

it is extremely anguishing and very disheartening that the student activism 
today is virtually nonexistent in the State. In our days students were known 
for having strong opinions and expressing them without fear. We demonstrated to 
the government that student power was a force to reckon with.

Maybe, it is now time that the students in Goa find their voice once again.  
Today the social media is a very handy tool to expand the scope and strength of 
student activism. Students need to be the voice of the voiceless and through a 
well organized networked Student activism it must be a signal for democracy and 

With Goa currently in dire straits soaked in rampant corruption and bad 
Governance, the Student activism could cause a political, environmental, 
economic and much needed social change that Goa so desperately requires.

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