Dear Xri Doutor Colaco,
The current situation in Goa is such that extra curricular activities should be 
used to protest against the corrusphun, dadagiri etc or else career goals and 
books will be a far off dream.
Best wishes,
BC - Indigenous Goan and localist
Dear Bernado,

You make a point. 

The following is my advice to Goan college students:
1: If u are financially loaded or very good at multitasking, Take part in 
extra-curricular activities.
2: If u are from a family of modest means or hopeless at multitasking, 
Concentrate on your career goals and hence your books.
3: If u are not very bright in the attic and / or cannot manage to learn a 
trade, u probably have no option but to exhaust ur energies on Alcohol, 
Protests, Anarchy and like activities.

I realise that ALL of us have a Right and Obligation to make our Voices and 
Opinions heard. However, each one of us has a primary obligation ( at least ). 
Students would do well by doing what is in their best interests i.e. Study and 
Improve themselves.

I submit that It is a very competitive world out there. IF we are capable, we 
should do our best to achieve. Unless 'we' believe that 'our' path to happiness 
is by way of becoming (a) Politishuns (b) Corrupshun (3) Dadagiri etc


> On Mar 11, 2016, at 10:12 PM, Bernado Colaco <> wrote:
> I wholly agree with Aires. I was a supporter of Aires in the 70's and 80's 
> and joined every rally for the 50% bus concession for students. I believe 
> that every student should be positively involved in the issues of today. The 
> current student breed have no idea of what is going on in Goa. Compare this 
> with Hong Kong the students there are very vociferous against the maldades of 
> their current rule.
> Viva students of the 70's and 80s.
> BC - Indigenous Goan and localist. 
> Mr.Gilbert, I appreciate your views.Students should use their time in 
> educational institutions to arm themselves with education to contribute to 
> society,? to take up employment and look after their families and see from 
> there in to politics and not other way.
> Today we see all illiterate and ignorant people in politics involved in 
> corruption income to look after their families. 
> Jeff.
> ========================
> ? GL response:
> It is extremely disheartening to read the following post for someone from 
> whom I would expect better.? 
> Do students go to college to learn and graduate with high skills or to be 
> involved in political activism and a wasted career other than end being a low 
> wage worker or at best a labor leader?? Is the political activism a good use 
> of the students' adolescence and their?parents' hard-working money and 
> efforts trying to give their children a good education?
> I wonder if?the respected advocate would give his own children the advice of 
> political activism in college?? 
> The job of cleaning up the "rampant corruption and bad Governance" lies with 
> the legal profession and those who?vote.? A better and democratic way would 
> of course be of them to run for political office.? If this fails, I would 
> suggest the advocate (along with?like-minded colleagues) go on a hunger 
> strike to demand reform and change in governance.? 
> It is much easier to be critical, negative, demonize and destroy than work 
> cooperatively to grow and build and ne productive.? Here is a motto - BE THE 
> Lets stop using college and high school children as a political tool for our 
> own personal agenda.
> Regards, GL
> From: Aires Rodrigues, Advocate High Court?
> Student activism encompasses student involvement in issues dealing with 
> economic, environmental, political and social change on and off the campus.
> it 
> -


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