take it slow.
if you had to take time and read properly, you would have understood
Let me offence to any body.....
I never mentioned Kadamba dynasty member visiting some where etc etc.

what I wrote is here....

When Hyder Ali attacked them, The SondeKar/Wodeyar or  Rai de Sundem as
they were called by the Portuguese, they were thankful for the protection
they got from the Portuguese army and in return they gave large area of Goa
to the Portuguese. So they continued to like the Portuguese. After
liberation of Goa in 1962 one morning when Raja  Wodeyar in his private car
went to see his property in Cancona in South Goa a large group of people
waited at Bali for his return. When they saw his car returning by evening
they all threw rocks at him and damaged his car, from that day on-wards
this family was never seen in that area.


Message: 3
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2016 00:06:21 +0000 (UTC)
From: Gilbert Lawrence <>
To: Goanet <>
Subject: [Goanet] An extract of Goa History ... Ethnic Goan royal
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

The last posting under this thread talked about?a recent?descendent of
the?Kadamba dynasty visiting his ancestral kingdom in Goa and being met
with local farmers / residents / former subjects protesting his visit and
pelting his car with stones and other road blocks.
It would be worth mentioning just for the record what these farmers were
protesting.? They were protesting the hard life of the peasants under
India's rajas and other hereditary landowners.? And their message to these
hereditary land-holders to "don't-even-dream-of-returning."
In those days, (aka amchem tempar) which continued under?colonial (British
and Portuguese)?rule, the peasant and his family usually lived in a drafty
one-room window-less house with a thatched roof, a cow-dung covered floor
and no furniture with an outhouse or open field as their toilet. Half the
living-quarters was outdoors along with the farm animals.??
A major part of his meager crop (from the limited land-holding)?went to the
landowner / batkar and another significant part to the government.? To
supplement his family's meal, the farmer /?mundkar had to trap small?
animals and catch fish. He had to provide (for free) the landowner all
ancillary services as a priority to his own farm or family?needs.
A peasant's life was unbearable in hard times; which was generally caused
by droughts, floods, changing rains, famine, wars, epidemics, illness in
the family, not uncommonly forcing the farmer to sell his children or
giving them for?adoption.
Finally even though?agriculture was the only real?economy?of Goa's and
other Indian kingdoms, the?backbone of that economy and royal wealth had to
suffer the ignominy of his caste status.
Regards, GL

Message: 4
Date: Tue, 8 Mar 2016 17:07:27 +0000 (UTC)
 Ujwala S Sawant <>
To: "" <>,
        "" <>
Subject: [Goanet] an extract of Goa History...Ethnic Goan royal
        families namely Sondekar and Velliapura
From: Amy Amelia da Cunha <>

Thanking Ms.Ujwala Sawant for the clarification research on the Kadamba
line up issue as to who is Kadamba. My thanks to Mr.MMDemelo for his
research, too. Thanks to all Goan historians, Once in hundred times we get
the chance, a pip into our Goan history. Thanks to the Video uploaded on
youtube by Asley Paidival and classmates, first time a great work of moving
art for the people of Konkan area, which covers from Ratnagiri to almost
Kerala border and deep in to upper Karnataka.

When Hyder Ali attacked them, The SondeKar/Wodeyar or  Rai de Sundem as
they were called by the Portuguese, they were thankful for the protection
they got from the Portuguese army and in return they gave large area of Goa
to the Portuguese. So they continued to like the Portuguese. After
liberation of Goa in 1962 one morning when Raja  Wodeyar in his private car
went to see his property in Cancona in South Goa a large group of people
waited at Bali for his return. When they saw his car returning by evening
they all threw rocks at him and damaged his car, from that day on-wards
this family was never seen in that area. All this was brought to my notice
as an adolescent goan. This does not mean they are bad. Just that they were
not sure of their security position under Indian govt. Didn't the Indian
Congress Government did exactly that?,  they systematically finished all
the royal in India.

Where as the Velliapura family devoted themselves to Goan freedom cause and
later after liberation lead the Goans into Democracy to rule Goa with
separate identity as Goans for which we are grateful.


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