| Goa had  Cultural Etiquette the Portuguese left behind, now its fast 
diminishing like the faded ruins of St Augustine
| Portugal is a self-styled country comprised of generally reserved and 
understated people. The Portuguese are traditional and conservative. People do 
not quickly embrace change and innovation. The Catholic Church has a strong 
influence on people's lives. The family is the basis of Portuguese life. Life 
is simple, especially in rural areas. The Portuguese go home after work and 
entertain on weekends only. Meeting and Greeting    
   - Shake hands with everyone present--men, women and children--at a business 
or social meeting. Shake hands again when leaving. 
   - When meeting friends, men embrace and pat one another on the back, and 
women kiss both cheeks. 
 Body Language    
   - Portuguese do not use a lot of body gestures. Do not be overly 
demonstrative with hand gestures or body language. 
   - Beckon someone with the palm of your hand down and fingers or whole hand 
waving (as patting someone on the head). 
   - Never point with your finger. 
 Corporate Culture    
   - Portuguese do not take punctuality for business meetings particularly 
seriously, but expect that you will be on time. Call with an explanation if you 
are delayed. Be prepared for your Portuguese counterparts to be 15-30 minutes 
   - While many younger managers speak English, it is appreciated if you have 
correspondence translated into Portuguese. 
   - Plan on hiring an interpreter for business meetings. 
   - Meetings are for briefing or discussion. Decisions may take several 
meetings. Do not expect clear, decisive results. The aim is not to find a 
common ground, but to strongly express one's point of view. 
   - If agreement/support is required at a meeting, you should lobby 
participants privately beforehand. 
 Dining and Entertainment    
   - Food is served family style. The guest of honor serves him/herself first 
and passes dishes around the table. 
   - Fish is eaten with a special knife and fork. 
   - To signify that you would like more food, place you fork diagonal from the 
left and your knife straight down to form a triangular position. When finished 
eating, place knife and fork (tines up) side by side on your plate at the 5:25 
   - It is polite to leave some food on your plate when finished eating. 
   - Dinner with business colleagues is a social event. Do not discuss business 
at dinner unless your host initiates. 
   - When offered a drink by a business colleague (coffee, soda, alcohol), 
   - Allow your host to open the door when it is time to leave. 
   - Dress is conservative. Women usually wear dresses, and male dressing is 
based primarily around a jacket and tie. 
   - There is little difference in dress between work and social life. 
   - For business, men should wear suits and ties or sports coats and ties. 
Women should wear dresses, suits or pantsuits. 
   - When invited to someone's house, always bring a small gift for the 
hostess. Flowers for the hostess and table wine for the host are recommended 
gifts. Give expensive chocolate and  expensive flowers (not chrysanthemums). 
   - Gifts are opened immediately upon receiving them. 
   - A return invitation to the hostess is appreciated. 
   - Gifts are normally not exchanged at business meetings, but small gifts may 
be appropriate at the successful conclusion of negotiations. 
   - It is more common to send small Christmas gifts to customers. Give pens, 
crystal, ashtrays, diaries or any gift which might be related to the business 
 Helpful Hints    
   - Portugal is not part of Spain, and the people are not Spanish, nor are 
they in any way similar to the Spanish in culture. They do not speak Spanish or 
   - Keep a relaxed attitude about time. 
 Especially for Women    
   - Foreign business women are treated fairly and with respect. 
   - Traditionally, conservative attitudes have prevailed towards women, but 
there is a strong movement towards Portuguese women being involved in business. 
   - Going to a bar alone is frowned upon. It may call unwelcome attention. 
   - It is better for a foreign woman to invite a Portuguese man to a business 
lunch rather than dinner. If you invite a man to dinner, it is better to ask if 
he would like to bring his wife. 
   - The charm of Portuguese men will not allow a woman to pay for a lunch or 
dinner. It is acceptable to try. 
| Adapted from material compiled by Window on the World, a cross-cultural 
training and consulting firm. Originally based on material contained in the 
"Put Your Best Foot Forward" series of books by Mary Murray Bosrock. 



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