It is sad that the seamen are constantly forced to do courses and also
undergo periodic courses , under the threat of not being considered for
This is  blackmailing the employees, who have to do their bidding's
My dad served during war times and  never underwent any such courses, He
survived and retired
To day the systems are much advanced and shopisticated, hence at best the
employees on board could be put through some regular drills, once they have
undergone such certification
In no profession are employees forced to undergo mandatory refresher
courses, then why the subordinate staff alone is compelled to
It is seen that such courses and refresher courses command  stiff fee.
either the companies must have their own arrangements, book seats or at
least subsidise these expensive courses running into thousands even for a
day or two
The Seafarers unions are silent or acquiesce to these malpractices or that
some one is making money by exploiting these hapless  seaman exclusively
targetted for meaningless courses too often
 Why does the union not step in and put and end to these regular,
continuous refresher coursesand needless harassments. Do they also have
vested interests? Please enlighten in which other professions such courses
are mandatory?
Nelson Lopes, Chinchinim

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