The judicial system is in a mess. A clever lawyer like Jethmalani can get a
chronic crook out of the net. Innocents get crucified. The Police is under
pressure to show results, especially in sensitive cases. Hence confessions
are extracted under torture. Many times these confessions do not stand
judicial scrutiny. Confessions are also retracted when a sympathetic party
is in power. Those from the minority and marginalised communities are more
likely to get tortured since they do not enjoy political patronage and
protection. The police have forgotten the art of investigation with easy
money coming in through corruption. All- in- all a sad situation. Police
reforms have been kept in cold storage for ages. What gets reported in the
media is only the tip of the iceberg. At the grassroots one constantly
hears of horror stories. The Prison Ministry is working silently to help
the downtrodden.



*On the subject of police torture, some honest and introspecting top police
officers have been saying for many years that police are not trained to do
their job according to the law and therefore resort to torture to
substitute for their lack of skill in interrogation.Judges know about this
but they tend to ignore it because it's "one of those things in a generally
bad legal system" that a civilized country must eventually rectify.*

*Roland Francis*

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