On 2 February 2017 at 05:05, Jim Fernandes <amigo...@runbox.com> wrote:

> There was no loop-hole, no illegalities, nothing fancy about my
> immigration process to the US. I was never sponsored by a relative nor did
> I have to beg someone to take me to the US. It was a simple legal process
> that I used in order to immigrate to the US and I am proud of it. Its
> called the H1-B visa and it allowed me to take up employment from day-one
> after my arrival. It also meant that the US government got to collect
> Social Security tax, Medicare tax, state income taxes and federal taxes on
> every dollar I earned - which is how it should be. In addition, I purchased
> my own health insurance as well. I did not become a financial burden to my
> host nation and never took any assistance from any US government agency
> from day-one - Ever. I did not displace a local; nor did I accept lower
> wages than the locals. In fact, I was paid on par with the local standard
> (or possibly more) - as I came in with high demand skill set that enabled
> me to take up employment in Silicon Valley, California.
> You have a problem with this?
> If you aren't familiar with the H1-B visa process, please educate yourself
> as to how it works. It was a very fair program when it was first launched
> way back in late 80's/ early 90's. However, in recent years, American
> corporations got greedy and began to misuse it, such that, now-a-days it is
> mostly used to replace high paying older locals with lower paying younger
> immigrants.

Your friend The Donald Trump doesn't think too highly of this (if/when he's
thinking, that is). His ambivalence and double-speak, of course, makes it
very difficult to know what he will really do over it:

Why we shouldn’t celebrate Donald Trump’s support for H1B visas for Indians

H-1B reform bill introduced in US House of Representatives

Jim, I understand that you're saying that H-1B was good for you, but not
for those coming after you. Okay, corporate greed didn't exist earlier,
etc. This is the second-class passenger's syndrome which the Indian
Railways is famous for. As long as I'm outside, please let me in. Once I'm
in, can't you find some other place to bloody-well get on to? Why crowd my

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    • ... Jim Fernandes
      • ... Frederick FN Noronha फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या *فريدريك نورونيا
    • ... Santosh Helekar

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