On Thu, Feb 9, 2017 at 1:23 PM, Jose <cola...@gmail.com> wrote:

> COMMENT:  I am hopeful that Trump will be successful in most of his goals.
> When the US succeeds without needless conflicts, the rest of the world
> benefits.
> Do I expect the Whiners to stop whining? Not really!!
> But....Can you imagine What the Whiners would say IF Trump was getting
> Paid one solitary Cent to do this job?
> jc

Regardless of the news that is available to you, rest assured that everyone
else knows that the POTUS is not a voluntary position. The title holder
gets paid. What he says he does with that pay is up to you and me to
believe (or not). Trump's record on donations is a fascinating one and
everyday, thank you Jesus, brings another surprise. I really do not know
what made you want to claim that POTUS does not get paid!

As far as Canadians are concerned, the latest news is that Trump is going
to appoint two US ambassadors to Canada. Ted Cruz will be based in Ottawa
and Romney in Toronto. Canadians extend their welcome to both - after all,
we did banish our first female PM to a diplomatic spot in southern
California. Ted Cruz, mais oui,  has the distinction of being the only
person who ran for POTUS - who knew the difference between a moose and a

The southern US border is going to be what consumes Bwana Trump. It seems
that he is already tweeting that he has calculated the exact number of
bricks - to within an error of one - to build the wall.I expect Trump to be
in charge of the construction and George Bush (43) to be in charge of the
security on US side of it. Trump's policy, I am told, is to stop the entry
of bad hombres and to turn a blind eye to drugs from the same source.

One last thing, you can go to a department store in the US today and buy
Trump designer clothes selling at a 95% discount.

God bless the USA.

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                • ... Jose
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                • ... Jose
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