Dear Friends,

Warm Greetings from Positive People

With a humble beginning in 1992, Positive People has come a long way in its
endeavour to address HIV in Goa (India) and now is in 25th year of its

We achieved our first milestone in 1992 itself when a revolutionary fight
led by Late Dominic D’Souza, our Founder led to the amendment of the Goa
Public Health Act which called for mandatory isolation of people living
with HIV. Since then, we have been pioneers in the efforts to address HIV
in Goa for the last 25 years with the unstinted support and generous
contribution of well-wishers, the government as
well as donors.

We are now the only organization in the state addressing HIV in a holistic
manner, with interventions in prevention, care and support and advocacy. We
are also the only organization which has interventions in Goa with people
who inject drugs with a full-fledged oral substitution therapy centre.

We are committed to enhance and diversify our programmes keeping in mind
the needs of people living with HIV
​and people who inject drugs
. On this momentous occasion of the silver jubilee year, Positive People
proposes to publish a commemorative souvenir.

 We would like you to write a message which will be published in our
souvenir. We would also appreciate if you contribute towards advertisement
in our souvenir.
​ Get in touch with us at or 9923700342.
You could visit us at for more information.

Thanking you,

Yours sincerely,​

Peter F. Borges

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